B. P. Lathi, Zhi Ding - Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems-Oxford University Press (2009)

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12.12 MATLAB Exercises 725

Fi g ure 1 2.24

Symbol error rate

(SER) comparison

of DFE,

linear equalization,


under ideal


10-3 _;::.

ISi-free (analysis) •::

-e-- Without equalizer

-- DFE

- - - - Linear equalizer

10 -4 '----'-------'--------1-V-----'------'-- - --.....J

10 15 20 25 30

E/A./, dB


In the example, we will utilize OFDM for QAM transmission. We choose the number of subcarriers (and

the FFT size) as N = 32. We let the finite impulse response (FIR) channel to be

channel= [0. 3 -0. 5 0 1 .2 -0.3]

The channel length is 6 (L = 5 in Section 12.7). For this reason, we can select the cyclic prefix length to

be the minimum length of L = 5.

% Matlab Program <Exl2_3 .m>

% This Matlab exerc ise <Ex12_3 .m> performs simulation of

% an OFDM system that emp loys QAM-16 baseband signaling

% a mul tipath channel with AWGN .

% Correct carrier and synchronization is assumed .

% 32 subcarriers are used wi th channel length of 6

% and cycli c pre fix length of 5.


L=16 00000;

Lfr=L/32 ;

% Total data symbol s in experiment is 1 million

% number of data frames

% Generating random signal data for polar signaling

s_data=4*round (rand (L,1 ))+2 *round(rand (L, 1 ))-3+ . ..

+j*(4*round(rand(L,1 ) )+2 *round(rand (L, 1 ))-3);

channel= [ 0.3 -0.5 0 1 .2 -0.3] ;

hf= fft( channel , 32);

p_data=reshape (s_data , 32,Lfr) ;

p_td= ifft (p_data );

p_cyc= [ p_td ( end- 4:end, :) ;p_td] ;

% channel in t -domain

% find the channel in f -domain

% SIP conversion

% IFFT to convert to t -domain

% add cycli c pre fix

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