B. P. Lathi, Zhi Ding - Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems-Oxford University Press (2009)

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8.4 Correlation 437

RVs x and y. We conduct several trials of this experiment and record values of x and y for each

trial. From this data, it may be possible to determine the nature of a dependence between x

and y. The covariance of RVs x and y is one measure that is simple to compute and can yield

useful information about the dependence between x and y.

The covariance CJ xy of two RVs is defined as

Clxy (x - x)(y - y) (8.76)

Note that the concept of covariance is a natural extension of the concept of variance, which is

defined as

(J; = (x - x)(x - x)

Let us consider a case of two variables x and y that are dependent such that they tend

to vary in harmony; that is, if x increases y increases, and if x decreases y also decreases.

For instance, x may be the average daily temperature of a city and y the volume of soft drink

sales that day in the city. It is reasonable to expect the two quantities to vary in harmony for a

majority of the cases. Suppose we consider the following experiment: pick a random day and

record the average temperature of that day as the value of x and the soft drink sales volume

that day as the value of y. We perform this measurement over several days (several trials of

the experiment) and record the data x and y for each trial. We now plot points (x, y) for all

the trials. This plot, known as the scatter diagram, may appear as shown in Fig. 8.1 8a. The

plot shows that when x is large, y is likely to be large. Note the use of the word likely. It is not

always true that y will be large if x is large, but it is true most of the time. In other words, in

a few cases, a low average temperature will be paired with higher soft drink sales owing to

some atypical situation, such as a major soccer match. This is quite obvious from the scatter

diagram in Fig. 8.1 8a.

To continue this example, the variable x - x represents the difference between actual

and average values of x, and y - y represents the difference between actual and average

values of y. It is more instructive to plot (y - y) vs. (x - x). This is the same as the scatter

diagram in Fig. 8.18a with the origin shifted to (:x, y), as in Fig. 8.18b, which shows that a day

with an above-average temperature is likely to produce above-average soft drink sales, and

a day with a below-average temperature is likely to produce below-average soft drink sales.

Figure 8.18



(a), (b) positive


(c) negative


(d) zero


y t

.. ..

.. . ·.::.·-: ·

, ·. ...


. .. -



(y - y) t

(z - z) t (w - w) t


:=-=:· (x - x)


.. .

: .

..·. : ·: .


(x - x) (x - x)


(c) (d)

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