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Figure P.6. 1 - 1

Problems 32 1

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26. S. Mallat, "A Theory of Multiresolution Signal Decomposition: The Wavelet Representation," IEEE

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30. ITU-T Recommendation H.263, Video Coding for Low Bit Rate Communication.

6.1-1 Figure P6.1-1 shows Fourier spectra of signals gJ (t) and g2(t). Determine the Nyquist interval

and the sampling rate for signals g1 (t), g2 (t), gf(t), g2 (t), and gl (t)g 2 (t).

Hint: Use the frequency convolution and the width property of the convolution.


6.1-2 Determine the Nyquist sampling rate and the Nyquist sampling interval for the signals:

(a) sine (lO0nt)

(b) sinc 2 (1001ft)

(c) sine (lO0nt) + sine (50nt)

(d) sine (lO0nt) + 3 sinc 2 (60nt)

(e) sine (50nt) sine (1001ft)

6.1-3 A signal g(t) band-limited to B Hz is sampled by a periodic pulse train Pr, (t) made up of a

rectangular pulse of width l/8B second (centered at the origin) repeating at the Nyquist rate

(2B pulses per second). Show that the sampled signal g(t) is given by



2 nn

g(t) = -g(t) + I:-sin (-) g(t) cos 4nnBt

4 nrr 4


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