B. P. Lathi, Zhi Ding - Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems-Oxford University Press (2009)

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Thus, the spectral sampling intervalfo Hz can be adjusted by a proper choice of T o : the larger

the T o , the smaller thef o . The wisdom of selecting T o r is now clear. When T o is greater than

r, we shall have several zero-valued samples gk in the interval from r to T o . Thus, by increasing

the number of zero-valued samples of gk, we reduce Jo [more closely spaced samples of G(f)],

yielding more details of G(f). This process of reducing J o by the inclusion of zero-valued

samples gk is known as zero padding. Also, for a given sampling interval T s , larger T o implies

larger N o . Thus, by selecting a suitably large value of No, we can obtain samples of G(f) as

close as possible.

To find the inverse relationship, we multiply both sides of Eq. (3.96) by J mrl. oq and sum

over q as

Upon interchanging the order of summation on the right-hand side,

(3. 100)

To find the inner sum on the right-hand side, we shall now show that

No- 1

J nrl. ok

= { N o n = 0, _

±No, ±2No, ...

L., 0 otherwise



To show this, recall that 0. o No = 2rr and J nrl. ok

= l for n = 0, ±N o , ±2N o , . .. , so that

L ok

= L Jnrl. l = N o

k=O k=O

No- 1 No -I

n = 0, ±N o , ±2N o , . ..

To compute the sum for other values of n, we note that the sum on the left-hand side of

Eq. (3.101) is a geometric series with common ratio ex = J n rl. o . Therefore, its partial sum of

the first N o terms is


No- I

dnrl. o

No 1

Jnrl.ok =

- = 0,

L., eJnrl. o

- 1


J nrl. oNo

= J 2 nn = 1

This proves Eq. (3.101).

It now follows that the inner sum on the right-hand side of Eq. (3. 100) is zero for k f. m,

and the sum is N o when k = m. Therefore, the outer sum will have only one nonzero term

when k = m, and it is N o gk = N o g nz . Therefore,


0.o = -


(3. 102)

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