B. P. Lathi, Zhi Ding - Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems-Oxford University Press (2009)

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5.2 Bandwidth of Angle-Modulated Waves 217

Because a(t) is a periodic signal, Jkta ( t ) is also a periodic signal, which can be expressed as an

exponential Fourier series in the preceding expression. After this, it is relatively straightforward

to write <pFM (t) in terms of the carrier and the sidebands.

Example 5.3

(a) Estimate BFM and BpM for the modulating signal m(t) in Fig. 5.4a for k_r = 2n x 10 5

and k p

= 5n. Assume the essential bandwidth of the periodic m(t) as the frequency of

its third harmonic.

(b) Repeat the problem if the amplitude of m(t) is doubled [if m(t) is multiplied by 2].

(a) The peak amplitude of m(t) is unity. Hence, mp = I. We now determine the

essential bandwidth B of m(t). It is left as an exercise for the reader to show that the

Fourier series for this periodic signal is given by

m(t) = L Cn cos nwot

2n 4

wo = --- =lOn

2 X 10-4


n odd


It can be seen that the harmonic amplitudes decrease rapidly with n. The third harmonic

is only 11 % of the fundamental, and the fifth harmonic is only 4% of the fundamental.

This means the third and fifth harmonic powers are 1.21 and 0.16%, respectively, of

the fundamental component power. Hence, we are justified in assuming the essential

bandwidth of m(t) as the frequency of its third harmonic, that is,

For FM:



B = 3 x - = 15 kHz


1 1

t:;.J = -k_rmp = -(2n x 10 5 )(1) = 100

2n 2n

BFM = 2(!:;.f + B) = 230 kHz

Alternatively, the deviation ratio f3 is given by


BFM = 2B(f3 + 1) = 30 ( 100 + 1


) = 230 kHz

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