B. P. Lathi, Zhi Ding - Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems-Oxford University Press (2009)

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3.8 Signal Power and Power Spectral Density 113

3.8.2 Time Autocorrelation Function of Power Signals

The (time) autocorrelation function R g

( r) of a real power signal g(t) is defined as*

1 T/2

R g

(r) = lim - ! g(t)g(t - r) dt

T➔oo T -T/2


We can use the same argument as that used for energy signals [Eqs. (3.72b) and (3.72c)] to

show that R g

(r) is an even function of r. This means that for a real g(t),

1 T/2

R g

(r) = lim - 1 g(t)g(t + r) dt

T➔oo T -T/2



R g

(r) = R g



For energy signals, the ESD \II g

(f) is the Fourier transform of the autocorrelation function

1/f g

( r). A similar result applies to power signals. We now show that for a power signal, the


(f) is the Fourier transform of the autocorrelation function R g

(r). From Eq. (3.82b)

and Fig. 3.36,


R g

(r) = lim -loo 1/f

gy(t)gy(t + r) dt = lim _ g _ T (r)


T➔oo T

T➔oo T _ 00


Recall from the Wiener-Khintchine theorem that 1/f gT (r) {=::=> 1Gy (f)l 2 • Hence, the Fourier

transform of the preceding equation yields

R g

(r) {=::=>

. I Gy (f)l 2

hm --- = S g





Although we have proved these results for a real g(t), Eqs. (3.80), (3.81a), (3.81b), and (3.85)

are equally valid for a complex g(t).

The concept and relationships for signal power are parallel to those for signal energy. This

is brought out in Table 3.3.

Signal Power Is Its Mean Square Value

A glance at Eq. (3.76) shows that the signal power is the time average or mean of its squared

value. In other words P g

is the mean square value of g(t). We must remember, however, that

this is a time mean, not a statistical mean (to be discussed in later chapters). Statistical means

are denoted by overbars. Thus, the (statistical) mean square of a variable x is denoted by x 2 .

To distinguish from this kind of mean, we shall use a wavy overbar to denote a time average.

Thus, the time mean square value of g(t) will be denoted by g 2 (t). The time averages are

conventionally denoted by angle brackets, written as (g 2 (t)). We shall, however, use the wavy

* For a complex g(t), we define

I /2 I T /2

R g

(r) = lim - !T

g(t)g* (t -r)dt = lim - ! g* (t)g(t +r)dt

T-HX) T -T/2 T-HX) T -T/2

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