B. P. Lathi, Zhi Ding - Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems-Oxford University Press (2009)

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Setting x = t + i in Eq. (3.72a) yields

1/f g

(i) = L: g(x)g(x - i) dx

In this equation, x is a dummy variable and could be replaced by t. Thus,

1/f g

(i) = L: g(t)g(t ±i)dt


This shows that for a real g (t), the autocorrelation function is an even function of i, that is,

1/f g

(i) = 1/f g



There is, in fact, a very important relationship between the autocorrelation of a signal and

its ESD. Specifically, the autocorrelation function of a signal g(t) and its ESD W g

(J) form a

Fourier transform pair, that is,



W g (J) = F {i/fg (i)} = L: 1/f g

(i)e - f l :n:f r d i


1/f g (i) = F - 1 { Wg (J)} = L: W g

(J)e-j 2 :n:f r df


Note that the Fourier transform of Eq. (3.73a) is performed with respect to i in place of t.

We now prove that the ESD 1J.J g (j) = I G(j) 1 2 is the Fourier transform of the autocorrelation

function 1/f g

( i). Although the result is proved here for real signals, it is valid for complex signals

also. Note that the autocorrelation function is a function of i, not t. Hence, its Fourier transform

is J i/fg (i)e-1 2 :n:fr d-r. Thus,

.r[i/f g

(i)] = L: e- J

2 :n:fr [L: g(t)g(t + i) dt] di

= L: g(t) [L: g(i + t)e-j l :n:fr di] dt

The inner integral is the Fourier transform of g( i + t) , which is g( i) left-shifted by t. Hence, it

is given by G(j)J 2 :n:fi, in accordance with the time-shifting property in Eq. (3.32a). Therefore,

This completes the proof that

.r[i/f g

(i)] = G(j) L: g(t)ef l :n:ftdt = G(j)G(-f) = 1 Gif) l 2


A careful observation of the operation of correlation shows a close connection to convolution.

Indeed, the autocorrelation function 1/f g

( i) is the convolution of g ( i) with g ( -i)


g(i) * g(-i) = L: g(x)g[-(i - x)] dx = L: g(x)g (x - i) dx = 1/f g


Application of the time convolution property fEq. (3.44)] to this equation yields Eq. (3.74).

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