B. P. Lathi, Zhi Ding - Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems-Oxford University Press (2009)

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Example 9.3

Determine the PSD and the mean square value of a random process

x(t) = A cos (w e t+ E>)

where E> is an RV uniformly distributed over (0, 2n).

For this case R x ('r) is already determined [Eq. (9.7c)],

A 2

R x (i) = 2

COS W e i




A 2

S x lf) = 4

[8(j +f c ) + 8(j - f e )]

- A 2

P x = x 2 =R x (O) = - 2



Thus, the power, or the mean square value, of the process x(t) = A cos (w e t+ E>) is A 2 /2.

The power P x can also be obtained by integrating S x (j) with respect to f.

Example 9.4

Amplitude Modulation

Determine the autocorrelation function and the PSD of the DSB-SC-modulated process

m(t) cos (w e t + E>), where m(t) is a wide-sense stationary random process, and E> is an

RV uniformly distributed over (0, 2n) and independent of m(t).



cp(t) = m(t) cos (w e t + E>)

R ,p

(i) = m(t) cos (w e t+ E>) · m(t + i) cos [w e (t + i) + E>]

Because m(t) and E> are independent, we can write [see Eqs. (8.64b) and (9.7c)]

R ,p

(i) = m(t)m(t + i) cos (w e t+ E>) cos [w c (t + i) + E>]


= 2

R m (i) COS W e i



From Eq. (9.22a) it follows that


S ,p

(J) = 4

[Sm lf + fe ) + Sm lf - fe)]

-- l . 1 - ­

rp 2 (t) = R ,p

(O) = 2

Rm (O) = 2

m 2 (t)



* We obtain the same result even if <p(t) = m(t) sin (w e t+ (0) .

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