B. P. Lathi, Zhi Ding - Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems-Oxford University Press (2009)

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Thus, the decision rule is


Decision (q) = { m2

randomly m1 or m2

if d 2 - d 2 < C

I 2

if df - d} > C

if df - d} = c

The boundary of the decision regions is given by df - d} = c. We now show that such a

boundary is given by a straight line perpendicular to line s 1-s2 and passing through s 1-s2

at a distance µ, from s 1 , where


where d is the distance between s 1 and s2. To prove this, we redraw the pertinent part of

Fig. 10.20b as Fig. 10.20c, from which it is evident that



df = a 2 + µ, 2

di = a 2 + (d - µ,) 2

df - d} = 2dµ, - d 2 = c

c+d 2

µ, =


This is the desired result. Thus, along the decision boundary df -di is constant and equal to c.

The boundaries of the decision regions for M > 2 may be determined via similar argument.

The decision regions for the case of three equiprobable two-dimensional signals are shown

in Fig. 10.21. The boundaries of the decision regions are perpendicular bisectors of the lines

joining the original transmitted signals. If the signals are not equiprobable, then the boundaries

will be shifted away from the signals with larger probabilities of occurrence.

For signals in N-dimensional space, the decision regions will be N-dimensional hypercones.

If there are M messages m1 , m2, ... , mM with decision regions R1 , R2, ... , RM ,

respectively, then P(Clm;), the probability of a correct decision when m; is transmitted, is

given by

and P(C), the probability of a correct decision, is given by



P( C) = L P(m;)P( Clm;)



and P e M, the probability of error, is given by

P e M = 1 -P(C)


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