B. P. Lathi, Zhi Ding - Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems-Oxford University Press (2009)

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Sx (f) = L Sn (f - k/LTc)


( 1 1.20)

In other words, as long as the chip sequence is approximately orthogonal, the noise at the QAM

detector remains a white Gaussian with zero mean. For practical reasons, the white noise n(t)

is filtered at the receiver to be band-limited to 1 /2T,. As a result, the noise spectrum after the

despreader sti 11 is


Sx (f) = 2


In other words, the spectral level also remains unchanged. Thus, the petiormance analysis

carried out for coherent QAM and PSK detections in Chapter 10 can be applied directly.

In Sec. 10.6 we showed that for a channel with (white) noise of PSD N/2, the error

probability of optimum receiver for polar signaling is given by


where E b is the energy per bit (energy of one pulse). This result demonstrates that the error

probability of an optimum receiver is unchanged regardless of whether or not we use DSSS.

While this result appears to be somewhat surprising, in fact, it is quite consistent with theAWGN

analysis. For single user, the only change in DSSS lies in the spreading of transmissions over a

broader spectrum by effectively using a new pulse shape c(t). Hence, the modulation remains

QAM whereas the channel remains AWGN. Consequently, the coherent detection analysis of

Sec. 10.6 is fully applicable to DSSS signals.



As in FHSS, DSSS systems provide better security against potential jamming or interception

by spreading the overall signal energy over a bandwidth L times broader. First, its low power

level is difficult for interceptors to detect. Furthermore, without the precise knowledge of the

user spreading code [or c(t)], adversaries cannot despread and recover the baseband QAM

signal effectively. In addition, partial band jamming signals interfere with only a portion of

the signal energy. They do not block out the entire signal spectrum and are hence not effective

against DSSS signals.

To analyze the effect of partial band jamming, consider an interference i(t) that impinges

on the receiver to yield

y(t) = SQAM (t)c(t) + i(t)

Let the interference bandwidth be B; . After despreading, the output signal plus intetierence


y(t)c(t) = SQAM (t) + i(t)c(t) (11.23)

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