B. P. Lathi, Zhi Ding - Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems-Oxford University Press (2009)

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9.3 Power Spectral Density 475

Recall that a is uniformly distributed over the interval O to T b . Hence, p(a) = I/T b over

the interval (0, T b ), and is zero otherwise. Therefore,



1 ( Tb

R y

(r) = L Rn L T Jo

n=-oo k=-oo

b O

oo oo


/ t- kTb

T b

n=-oo k=-oo t-(k+l)Tb

p(t - kT b - a)p(t + r - [k + n] T b - a) da

= - L Rn L p(f3)p(f3 + r - nT b ) d/3



1 00

= - L Rn p(f3)p(f3 + r - nT b ) d f3

T b



The integral on the right-hand side is the time autocorrelation function of the pulse p(t)

with the argument r - nT b . Thus,





i/r p

(r) = 1_: p(t)p(t + r) dt (9.30)

As seen in Eq. (3.74), if p(t) P(j), then i/r p

(r) IP(f)J 2 . Therefore, the PSD of

y(t), which is the Fourier transform of R y

(r), is given by



_ JP(J) I

- "



T b

n= -oo


This result is similar to that found in Eq. (7.llb). The only difference is the use of the

ensemble average in defining R n in this chapter, whereas R n in Chapter 7 is the time


Example 9.7

Find the PSD S y

(J) for a polar binary random signal where 1 is transmitted by a pulse p(t)

(Fig. 9.11) whose Fourier transform is P(f), and O is transmitted by -p(t). The digits 1 and 0

are equally likely, and one digit is transmitted every T b seconds. Each digit is independent of

the other digits.

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