B. P. Lathi, Zhi Ding - Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems-Oxford University Press (2009)

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(in the limit as ,6.x, ,6.y ---+ 0),

R1 = lim - log ,6.x


R 2 = lim - log ,6.y



= log 2 = 1 bit

Thus, R1 , the reference entropy of x, is higher than the reference entropy R2 for y. Hence,

if x and y have equal absolute entropies, their differential (relative) entropies must differ

by 1 bit.

Maximum Entropy for a Given Mean Square Value of x

For discrete random variables, we observed that entropy was maximum when all the outcomes

(messages) were equally likely (uniform probability distribution). For continuous random

variables, there also exists a PDF p(x) that maximizes H(x) in Eqs. (13.32). In the case of a

continuous distribution, however, we may have additional constraints on x. Either the maximum

value of x or the mean square value of x may be given. We shall find here the PDF p(x) that

will yield maximum entropy when x 2 is given to be a constant a 2 . The problem, then, is to

maximize H(x):

with the constraints

Joo 1

H(x) = p(x) log - dx

oo p(x)


1_: p(x) dx = 1


1_: x 2 p(x) dx = a 2 (13.34b)

To solve this problem, we use a theorem from the calculus of variation. Given the integral I,

I= 1 b F(x,p) dx


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