B. P. Lathi, Zhi Ding - Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems-Oxford University Press (2009)

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Appendix D: Basic Matrix Properties and Operations 881

If A T = A, then we say that A is a symmetric matrix.

· If A H = A, then we say that A is a Hermitian matrix.

· If A consists of only real entries, then it is both Hermitian and symmetric.

D.2 Matrix Product and Properties

For an m x n matrix A and an n x e matrix B with


the matrix product C = A • B has dimension m x e and equals

c - [

C) , l CJ ,2 au

c2,1 c2,2 a2,e

Cm, 1 Cm,2 Cl,n,[




c · · - L a ·kbk ·

lJ - l, J



In general AB =fa BA . In fact, the products may not even be well defined. To be able to multiply

A and B, the number of columns of A must equal the number of rows of B.

In particular, the product of a row vector and a column vector is


= < x. y >


Therefore. x H x = llx ll 2 .

Two vectors x and y are orthogonal ify H x = x H y = 0.

There are several commonly used properties of matrix products:

A(B + C) =AB + AC

A(BC) = (AB)C

(AB)* =A*B*

(AB/ = B T A T

(AB) H = B H A H






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