B. P. Lathi, Zhi Ding - Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems-Oxford University Press (2009)

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Fi g ure 9.4


functions for a

slowly varying

and a rapidly

varying random




(a) Y1 Y2 (b)



random process. The spectral content of a process depends on the rapidity of the amplitude

change with time. This can be measured by correlating amplitudes at t1 and t1 + r. On average,

the random process x(t) in Fig. 9.4a is a slowly varying process in comparison to the process

y(t) in Fig. 9.4b. For x(t), the amplitudes at t1 and t1 + r are similar (Fig. 9.4a), that is, have

stronger correlation. On the other hand, for y(t), the amplitudes at t1 and t1 + T have little

resemblance (Fig. 9 .4b ), that is, have weaker correlation. Recall that correlation is a measure of

the similarity of two RVs. Hence, we can use correlation to measure the similarity of amplitudes

at t1 and t2 = t1 + T . If the RVs x(t1) and x(t2) are denoted by x1 and x2, respectively, then

for a real random process,* the autocorrelation function R x (t1 , t2) is defined as


This is the correlation of RVs x(t 1 ) and x(t2), indicating the similarity between RVs x(t1) and

x(t2). It is computed by multiplying amplitudes at t 1 and t2 of a sample function and then

averaging this product over the ensemble. It can be seen that for a small r, the product x1 x2

will be positive for most sample functions of x(t), but the product YIY2 is equally likely to

be positive or negative. Hence, x1x2 will be larger than YI Y2· Moreover, XJ and x2 will show

correlation for considerably larger values of T, whereas YI and y2 will lose correlation quickly,

even for small r, as shown in Fig. 9.4c. Thus, R x (t 1 , t2), the autocorrelation function of x(t),

provides valuable information about the frequency content of the process. In fact, we shall

show that the PSD of x(t) is the Fourier transform of its autocorrelation function, given by

(for real processes)

R x (tl , t2) = X J X2

= 1_:1_: x1x2px(x1, x2; t1 , t2)dx1 dx2 (9.3b)

* For a complex random process x(t), the autocorrelation function is defined as

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