B. P. Lathi, Zhi Ding - Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems-Oxford University Press (2009)

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3 . 10 MATLAB Exercises 125

In this example, we knew G(f) beforehand and hence could make IN TELLIGENT choices

for B (or the sampling frequency fs). In practice, we generally do not know G(f) beforehand.

In fact, that is the very thing we are trying to determine. In such a case, we must make

an intelligent guess for B or fs from circumstantial evidence. We then continue reducing

the value of T s and recomputing the transform until the result stabilizes within the desired

number of significant digits.

Next, we compute the Fourier transform of g(t) = 8 TI (t).


Use DFf (implemented by the FFf algorithm) to compute the Fourier transform of 8 TT (t). Plot the

resulting Fourier spectra.

This rectangular function and its Fourier transform are shown in Fig. 3.41a and b. To

determine the value of the sampling interval T s , we must first decide on the essential

bandwidth B. From Fig. 3.41b, we see that G(f) decays rather slowly with f. Hence,

the essential bandwidth B is rather large. For instance, at B = 15.5 Hz (97.39 rad/s),

G(f) = -0.1643, which is about 2% of the peak at G(O). Hence, the essential bandwidth

may be taken as 16 Hz. However, we shall deliberately take B = 4 for two reasons: (1) to

show the effect of aliasing and (2) because the use of B > 4 will give an enormous number

of samples, which cannot be conveniently displayed on a book-sized page without losing

sight of the essentials. Thus, we shall intentionally accept approximation for the sake of

clarifying the concepts of DFT graphically.

The choice of B = 4 results in the sampling interval T s = 1 /2B = 1 /8. Looking

again at the spectrum in Fig. 3.41b, we see that the choice of the frequency resolution

J o = 1/4 Hz is reasonable. This will give four samples in each lobe of G(f). In this case

To = I /J o = 4 seconds and N o = To/T = 32. The duration of g(t) is only 1 second. We

must repeat it every 4 seconds (To = 4), as shown in Fig. 3.41c, and take samples every

0.125 second. This gives us 32 samples (No = 32). Also,

8k = T s g (kT)


= Sg(kT)

Since g(t) = 8 TI (t), the values of 8k are 1, 0, or 0.5 (at the points of discontinuity), as

shown in Fig. 3.41c, where for convenience, 8k is shown as a function of t as well as k.

In the derivation of the DFT, we assumed that g (t) begins at t = 0 (Fig. 3.39a), and

then took No samples over the interval (0, To). In the present case, however, g(t) begins at

-½. This difficulty is easily resolved when we realize that the DFT found by this procedure

is actually the DFT of 8k repeating periodically every T o seconds. From Fig. 3.41c, it is

clear that repeating the segment of 8k over the interval from -2 to 2 seconds periodically

is identical to repeating the segment of 8k over the interval from O to 4 seconds. Hence,

the DFT of the samples taken from -2 to 2 seconds is the same as that of the samples

taken from O to 4 seconds. Therefore, regardless of where g (t) starts, we can always take

the samples of g(t) and its periodic extension over the interval from Oto To. In the present

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