B. P. Lathi, Zhi Ding - Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems-Oxford University Press (2009)

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Furthennore, the data packet has been incorrectly decoded. Therefore


LP; = l


Applying the total probability theorem, we find that


P(B) = L P(BIE;)P(E;) = L q;p;




Isolating a Particular Cause: Bayes' Theorem

The total probability theorem facilitates the probabilistic analysis of a complex event by using a

divide-and-conquer approach. In practice, it may also be of interest to determine the likelihood

of a particular cause of an event among many disjoint possible causes. Bayes' theorem provides

the solution to this problem.

Bayes' Theorem: Let n disjoint events A 1, ... , A n form a partition of the sample space

S. Let B be an event with P(B) > 0. Then for j = 1 , ... , n,

P(A · IB) __ P _

(B _ IA J_ )P _

( A 1_·) _ _ P_( _ B _ IA J ) _ P _ (A 1 )_


- P(B) - L7=1 P(BIA;)P(A i )

The proof is already given by the theorem itself.

Bayes' theorem provides a simple method for computing the conditional probability of Aj

given that B has occurred. The probability P(Aj IB) is often known as the posterior probability

of event AJ . It describes, among n possible causes of B, the probability that B may be caused

by Aj. In other words, Bayes' theorem isolates and finds the relative likelihood of each possible

cause to an event of interest.

Example 8.1 1 A communication system always encounters one of three possible interference waveforms:

F1 , F2 , or F 3 . The probability of each interference is 0.8, 0.1 6, and 0.04, respectively. The

communication system fails with probabilities 0.01, 0.1, and 0.4 when it encounters F1 , F2 ,

and F 3 , respectively. Given that the system has failed, find the probability that the failure is a

result of F1 , F2, or F 3 , respectively.

Denote B as the event of system failure. We know from the description that

Furthermore, the effect of each interference on the system is given by

P(BIF1) = 0.01

Now following Bayes' theorem, we find that

P(Fi IB) = ; (BIF1)P(F1) (0.01)(0.8) 0 2

Li=l P (B IF;)P(F;) = (0.01 ) (0.8) + (0.1)(0.1 6) + (0.4)(0.04) =

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