B. P. Lathi, Zhi Ding - Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems-Oxford University Press (2009)

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then, based upon these axioms alone, what else is true? As Bertrand Russell puts it: "Pure mathematics

consists entirely of such asseverations as that. if such and such proposition is true of

anything, then such and such another proposition is true of that thing." Seen in this light, it may

appear that assigning probability to an event may not necessarily be the responsibility of the

mathematical discipline of probability. Under mathematical discipline, we need to start with

a set of axioms about probability and then investigate what else can be said about probability

based on this set of axioms alone. We start with a concept (as yet undefined) of probability

and postulate axioms. The axioms must be internally consistent and should conform to the

observed relationships and behavior of probability in the practical and the intuitive sense. It

is beyond the scope of this book to discuss how these axioms are formulated. The modern

theory of probability starts with Eqs. (8.6), (8.8), and (8.11) as its axioms. Based on these three

axioms alone, what else is true is the essence of modern theory of probability. The relative

frequency approach uses Eq. (8.5) to define probability, and Eqs. (8.5), (8.8), and (8. 11) follow

as a consequence of this definition. In the axiomatic approach, on the other hand, we do not

say anything about how we assign probability P(A) to an event A; rather, we postulate that the

probability function must obey the three postulates or axioms in Eqs. (8.6), (8.8), and (8.11 ).

The modem theory of probability does not concern itself with the problem of assigning probabilities

to events. It assumes that somehow the probabilities were assigned to these events a


If a mathematical model is to conform to the real phenomenon, we must assign these

probabilities in away that is consistent with an empirical and an intuitive understanding of

probability. The concept of relative frequency is admirably suited for this. Thus, although we

use relative frequency to assign (not define) probabilities, it is all under the table, not a part of

the mathematical discipline of probability.


The outcome of an experiment may be a real number (as in the case of rolling a die), or it

may be nonnumerical and describable by a phrase (such as "heads" or "tail" in tossing a coin).

From a mathematical point of view, it is simpler to have numerical values for all outcomes.

For this reason, we assign a real number to each sample point according to some rule. If there

are m sample points (1 , (2, ... , t m , then using some convenient rule, we assign a real number

x((i) to sample point (i (i = 1, 2, ... , m). In the case of tossing a coin, for example, we may

assign the number 1 for the outcome heads and the number - 1 for the outcome tails (Fig. 8.5).

Thus, x(.) is a function that maps sample points (1 , (2, ... , t m into real numbers

x1 , x2, ... , X n .* We now have a random variable x that takes on values x1 , x2, ... , X n ,

We shall use roman type (x) to denote a random variable (RV) and italic type (e.g.,

x1 , x2, ... , X n ) to denote the value it takes. The probability of an RV x taking a value Xi

is P x (Xi) = Probability of "x = Xi."

Discrete Random Variables

A random variable is discrete if there exists a denumerable sequence of distinct numbers Xi

such that

(8. 19)

* The number m is not necessarily equal to n. More than one sample point can map into one value of x.

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