B. P. Lathi, Zhi Ding - Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems-Oxford University Press (2009)

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Problems 139

the autocorrelation function and the PSD are given by

1 oo

R y

(r) = ca 2 + 2 L C n

2 cos n2nfo r:



2 I 2

Sy (f) = Co 8(f) +

4 L C n [8(f - nfo ) + 8(f + nfo)]


Hint: Show that if g(t) = g1 (t)+ g2 (t), then R g (r:) = R g1 (r:)+ R g2 (r:) + R g1 g2 (r:)+ R g2g1 (r:).

where R g1 g2 (r:) = limr➔ oo O/T) J!{ 2 g1 (t)g2 (t + r:) dt. If g1 (t) and g2 (t) represent any

two of the infinite terms in y(t), then show that R g1g2

(r:) = R g2g1

(r:) = 0. To show this, use

the fact that the area under any sinusoid over a very large time interval is at most equal to the

area of the half-cycle of the sinusoid.

3.8-2 The random binary signal x(t) shown in Fig. P3.8-2 transmits one digit every T b seconds. A

binary 1 is transmitted by a pulse p(t) of width T b /2 and amplitude A; a binary O is transmitted by

no pulse. The digits 1 and O are equally likely and occur randomly. Determine the autocorrelation

function Rx(r) and the PSD Sxif).

Figure P.3.8-2


1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0



3.8-3 Find the mean square value (or power) of the output voltage y(t) of the RC network shown

in Fig. P3.5-4 with RC = 2n if the input voltage PSD Sxif) is given by (a) K; (b) IT(nf );

(c) [8(f + 1) + 8(f - I)]. In each case calculate the power (mean square value) of the input

signal x(t).

3.8-4 Find the mean square value (or power) of the output voltage y(t) of the system shown in Fig. P3.8-

4 if the input voltage PSD Sxif) = IT (rrf). Calculate the power (mean square value) of the

input signal x(t).

Figure P.3.8-4

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