B. P. Lathi, Zhi Ding - Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems-Oxford University Press (2009)

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10.12 MATLAB Exercises 595

set (figwave l, 'Linewidth ' , 2) ;

subplot (212 )

figwave2=plot (t,xorth ( delayrt : delayrt+l99) );

title ('(b) Orthogonal modulation .')

set ( figwave2 , 'Linewidth ' , 2);

% Find the signal length

Lrcos=length (xrcos) ;Lrect=length (xorth) ;

BER= [ l ;

noiseq=randn(Lrcos,l) ;

% Generating the channel noise (AWGN )

for i=l:12,

Eb2N (i)= i;

%(Eb/N in dB)

Eb2N_num=l0 A (Eb2N(i)/10) ; % Eb/N in numeral

Var_n=l/ (2*Eb2N_num) ; %1/SNR is the noise variance

signois=sqrt (Var_n) ;

% standard deviation



% Add noise to signals at the channel output

yrcos=xrcos+awgnois/sqrt (2) ;

yorth=xorth+awgnoi s(l:Lrect) ;

% Apply matched filters first

zl=conv (yrcos, pcmatch) ;clear awgnois, yrcos;

z2=conv (yorth, phmatch) ;

z3=conv (yorth , psmatch ) ;clear yorth;

% Sampling the received signal and acquire samples

zl=zl (delayrc+l: f_ovsamp:end) ;

z2=z2 (delayrt+l: f_ovsamp :end-f_ovsamp+l) ;

z3=z3 (delayrt+l: f_ovsamp :end-f_ovsamp+l) ;

% Decision based on the sign of the samples

decl=round ((sign(zl(l:L)-0.5)+1)*.5) ;dec2=round( (sign(z2-z3)+1)*.5) ;

% Now compare against the original data to compute BER for

% the three pulses

BER= [BER;sum(abs ( s_data-decl) )/L sum (abs ( s_data-dec2))/L ] ;

Q(i)= 0.5* erfc ( sqrt (Eb2N_num/2) ); % Compute the Analytical BER


figure (2)

subplot (ll l)

figber=semil ogy (Eb2N,Q, 'k-',Eb2N,BER( : ,l) , 'b-*' , Eb2N,BER(: ,2) , 'r-o') ;

fleg=legend ('Analytical ', 'Root-raised cosine on/off', 'Orthogonal


fx=xlabel ('E_b/N (dB) ');fy=ylabel ('BER ' );

set ( figber, 'Linewidth' , 2) ;set ( fleg, 'FontSize' , 11) ;

set (fx, 'FontSize' , 11) ;

set(fy, 'FontSize' , 11) ;

% We can plot the individual pulses used for the binary orthogonal

% signaling

figure (3)

subplot (111) ;

pulse=plot ((0:f_ovsamp )/f_ovsamp , [psinh 0] , 'k-', ...

(0:f_ovsamp )/f_ovsamp , [psine 0 ] , ' k-o' );

pleg=legend ('Half-sine pulse ', 'Sine pulse');

ptitle=title ('Binary orthogonal signals');

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