B. P. Lathi, Zhi Ding - Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems-Oxford University Press (2009)

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2.4 Signals Versus Vectors 33

function x(t) over an interval (t1 ::: t :::: t2)

g (t) :::::: cx(t) (2.3 1)

where g(t) and x(t) are complex functions of t. In general, both the coefficient c and the error

e(t) = g (t) - cx(t) (2.32)

are complex. Recall that the energy E x of the complex signal x( t) over an interval [t 1 , t2] is

E x =

lh t1

- lx(t) 1 2 dt

For the best approximation, we need to choose c that minimizes E e , the energy of the error

signal e(t) given by

Recall also that

E e =



- lg(t) - cx(t)1 2 dt


l u + v l 2 = (u + v)(u* + v*) = iu i 2 + lv l 2 + u*v + uv*


Using this result, we can, after some manipulation, express the integral E e in Eq. (2.33) as

1 /2 I


1 12





1 1

E e


lg(t) l 2 dt - ID g(t)x* (t) dt + c/Ex - ID g(t)x* (t) dt

t1 v Ex t1 v Ex t1

2 l

Since the first two terms on the right-hand side are independent of c, it is clear that E e is

minimized by choosing c such that the third term is zero. This yields the optimum coefficient

c = -

I 1 12

E x


g (t)x*(t) dt



In light of the foregoing result, we need to redefine orthogonality for the complex case as

follows: complex functions (signals) x1 (t) and x2 (t) are orthogonal over an interval (t :S ti <

t 2 ) as long as


or 1 xf (t)x2 (t) dt = 0



In fact, either equality suffices. This is a general definition of orthogonality, which reduces to

Eq. (2.25) when the functions are real.

Similarly, the definition of inner product for complex signals over a time domain e can

be modified:

< g(t), x(t) > = { g(t)x* (t) dt

l{t:IE(-) )


Consequently, the norm of a signal g(t) is simply

[ ]

llg(t)II = { lg(t)l 2 dt




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