B. P. Lathi, Zhi Ding - Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems-Oxford University Press (2009)

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the ESD for this pulse is

\Jl g

(f) = I G(f)l 2 = T 2 sinc 2 (nfI')

This ESD is shown in Fig. 3.34b as a function of wT as well asfI', whereJ is the frequency

in hertz. The energy E B within the band from 0 to B Hz is given by


E B = 1 T 2 sinc 2 (nfI') dJ

Setting 2nfI' = x in this integral so that dJ = dx /(2n T), we obtain


T ( 2 nBT



; J o sinc 2 (: 2 ) dx


Also because E g

= T, we have

E l



_!!_ = - 1 sinc 2 ( - ) dx

E g

n O 2

The integral on the right-hand side is numerically computed, and the plot of E B /E g vs.

BT is shown in Fig. 3.34c. Note that 90.28% of the total energy of the pulse g (t) is

contained within the band B = l/T Hz. Therefore, by the 90% criterion, the bandwidth

of a rectangular pulse of width T seconds is 1 /T Hz.

3.7.4 Energy of Modulated Signals

We have seen that modulation shifts the signal spectrum G(f) to the left and right by Jo. We

now show that a similar thing happens to the ESD of the modulated signal.

Let g(t) be a baseband signal band-limited to B Hz. The amplitude-modulated signal

<p(t) is

<p(t) = g (t) cos 2nJot

and the spectrum (Fourier transform) of <p(t) is


<P(f) = 2

[G(f +Jo) + G(f - Jo)]

The ESD of the modulated signal <p (t) is l <fi (f) 1 2 , that is,

1 2

\Jl rp (f) = 4

1 G(f +Jo) + G(f - Jo) I

If Jo :::: B, then G(f + Jo) and G(f - Jo) are nonoverlapping (see Fig. 3.35), and

\Jl rp (f) = i [IG(f + Jo) 1 2 + IG(f -Jo) l 2 ]

1 1

= 4

\Ji g (f +Jo) + 4 \Jl g (f - Jo) (3.70)

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