Facskó Ferenc (szerk.) (2012): Kutatások a Nyugat-magyarországi

Facskó Ferenc (szerk.) (2012): Kutatások a Nyugat-magyarországi

Facskó Ferenc (szerk.) (2012): Kutatások a Nyugat-magyarországi


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Biotikus és abiotikus környezetek vizsgálata és kutatásmódszertana<br />

Eredményeink publikálása részben még folyamatban van. Kutatás-módszertani fejlesztéseink<br />

a természetes vizes élőhelyek állapotfelmérésében és monitorozásában standardizálható<br />

vizsgálatokra adhatnak lehetőséget hasonló élőhelyek kutatásainál hazánkban,<br />

illetve külföldön egyaránt.<br />

Publikációk:<br />

KANCSAL Béla – SZINETÁR Csaba – BOGNÁR Vivien – ANGYAL Dóra (2010): Data to the spider<br />

fauna (Araneae) of Lake Velence. Natura Somogyensis 17: 121-128. http://www.smmi.<br />

hu/termtud/ns/ns17/133-140szinetar.pdf<br />

SZINETÁR Csaba – KANCSAL Béla – TÖRÖK Tamás (2011): Reed trap – a new method to<br />

investigate the spiders of marshland habitatas. 26. ECA (European Congress of<br />

Arachnology, Sede Boqer, Izrael, 2011. Book of Abstracts p. 142.<br />

Abstract – http://www.arachnologia.edu.pl/congress2010/Book%20of%20Abstracts.pdf<br />

p.207<br />

SZINETÁR Csaba – KANCSAL Béla – TÖRÖK Tamás (<strong>2012</strong>): A New Method for the Investigations<br />

of Spiders Living in Flooded Areas of Hungarian Wetlands. International Scientifi c<br />

Conference March 26-27 <strong>2012</strong> on Sustainable Development & Ecological Footprint<br />

Sopron, Hungary<br />

http://www.nyme.hu/fi leadmin/dokumentumok/palyazat/tamop421b/<br />

IntConference/Papers/Articles/PDF/SzinetarEtAl_ANewMethodForTheInvestigationsO<br />

fSpidersLivingInFloodedAreasOfHungarianWetlands.pdf<br />

Csaba SZINETÁR – Tamás TÖRÖK – Béla KANCSAL (<strong>2012</strong>): „Cladophora canvas”’ as a special<br />

microhabitat supply – Investigation of winter activity of ground-dwelling spiders in the<br />

reeds. 27 th European Congress of Arachnology, Ljubljana 09.02-07. Book of Abstracts<br />

Abstarct – In permanently water-covered environments primarily the vegetation which<br />

supply the habitable conditions for land-adapted invertebrate animals. The secret of the<br />

sometimes crowded-looking (other times deserted) habitats lays in the special microhabitats<br />

supplied by the vegetation. These microhabitats have a crucial role in the lives<br />

of spiders. The plants are off ering hiding, molting, wintering, and special micro-regulated<br />

climate chambers for the spiders. This multitude of microhabitats contributes to the richness<br />

of the main wetland habitat and results in the presence of specialist species. On this<br />

poster we report the results of an investigation concerning a special microhabitat. It is a<br />

common phenomena in the case of Central European lakes that the water level fl uctuates<br />

according to an annual rhythm. As a sign of a mild eutrophication fi lamentous green algae<br />

proliferates and form a thin layer on the surface of the water and stretched out between the<br />

reeds. This algae ‚canvas’ will not follow the decrease of the water level in the Summer, thus<br />

a little tent is formed above the water. If the low water level is remained for the winter this<br />

canvas remained and could serve as a special climate tent for the ground-dwelling spiders<br />

of the reeds. In a sunny weather the surface warms quickly and the animals will come out<br />

with spectacular activity. In cloudy cold weather they found protection under the „canvas”,<br />

which could be the highest-temperature zone of the reeds in this time period. In our study<br />

special water Barber traps were placed at the surface of the green algae layer and at the underlying<br />

space. The temperature of the water (or ice), the inside and the outer surface of the<br />

Cladophora-canvas and the top level of the reed (2 meters) were monitored in parallel using<br />

automatic thermometers. During the several week of winter testing it has been confi rmed<br />


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