Facskó Ferenc (szerk.) (2012): Kutatások a Nyugat-magyarországi

Facskó Ferenc (szerk.) (2012): Kutatások a Nyugat-magyarországi

Facskó Ferenc (szerk.) (2012): Kutatások a Nyugat-magyarországi


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<strong>Kutatások</strong> a <strong>Nyugat</strong>-<strong>magyarországi</strong> Egyetemen<br />

Publikációk:<br />

WINKLER D. – KORDA M. – TRASER GY. (2011): Two new species of Collembola for the fauna<br />

of Hungary. Opuscula Zoologica 42(2): 199-206.<br />

Abstract – Two Collembola species are recorded as new for the fauna of Hungary. Tetracanthella<br />

pericarpatica Kaprus & Tsalan, 2009 (Isotomidae), previously known only from the<br />

Transcarpathian Lowland and Roztochchia Hill (Ukraine), was collected in a oak-ash-elm<br />

lowland forest in Western Hungary. Some corrections and additions to the original description<br />

are given. The xerophilous species Xenylla uniseta Da Gama, 1963 (Hypogastruridae),<br />

found mostly in Mediterranean countries, was collected in meadow steppe habitats near<br />

Budapest. An updated description is provided with emphasis on the fi rst instar.<br />

WINKLER D. – NÉMETH T. M. (2011): Bird community succession in primary and secondary<br />

forests in the Sopron Mountain, Hungary. In: PUIGCERVER, M., TEIJEIRO, J. D. R. & BUN-<br />

ER, F. (eds.): XXX th IUGB CONGRESS (International Union of Game Biologists) AND<br />

PERDIX XIII. Barcelona, Spain. 5 th -9 th September, p. 262.<br />

Abstract – Avian assemblages are determined, to a degree, by vegetation and forest structure.<br />

The consecutive phases of forest succession might provide habitats of diff erent structure<br />

and often diff erent plant species composition. These progressional changes can cause<br />

signifi cant changes in the associated bird communities. The relationship between breeding<br />

bird communities and diff erent phases of secondary succession of primary deciduous<br />

forests (sessile oak) and secondary coniferous forests (spruce plantation) in the Sopron<br />

Mountains was studied. Bird surveys have been carried out in 5 diff erent successional stages<br />

using the double-visit fi xed-radius point count method.<br />

To determine the relationship between habitat structure and breeding bird communities<br />

principal component analysis followed by multiple linear regression analysis were carried<br />

out. A total of 41 bird species were encountered. There are typical bird communities to order<br />

to diff erent stages of forest succession, containing unique bird species or species appearing<br />

predominantly in that successional stage. The study has shown structural changes<br />

in breeding bird communities during the succession. Bird species richness, density and<br />

diversity showed the same trends. Their numerical values were the lowest in the clear-cut<br />

areas with young (1-2 year old) plantations, and the highest in the mature stands. After a<br />

starting increase (shrub stage) there is a slight decline (10-12 year old stands) because of<br />

the canopy closure of the young trees. Further decrease can be observed in the low pole<br />

stands, as these habitats are no longer appropriate for species nesting in shrubs and not yet<br />

suitable for the hole-nesting ones. Species richness, density and diversity were lower in the<br />

early pole and older spruce stands than in the corresponding oak stands. The research has<br />

been supported by TAMOP 4.2.1. program.<br />

FARAGÓ S. – DITTRICH G. – HORVÁTHNÉ HANGYA K. – WINKLER D. (2011): A Lajta project fogolyállományának<br />

20 éve. In: LAKATOS F. – SZABÓ Z. (<strong>szerk</strong>.): NYME Kari Tudományos<br />

Konferencia előadásainak és posztereinek kivonata. Sopron, október 5. p. 8.<br />

WINKLER D. – TRASER GY. (<strong>2012</strong>): Collembola diversity in agricultural environments (Lajta<br />

Project, Western Hungary). In: NEMÉNYI M. – HEIL B. – KOVÁCS J. A. – FACSKÓ F. (<strong>szerk</strong>.): International<br />

Scientifi c Conference on Sustainable Development & Ecological Footprint,<br />

The Impact of Urbanization, Industrial and Agricultural Technologies on the Natural<br />

Environment, Abstracts. Sopron, Magyarország, March 26-27. Sopron: NyME, pp. 1-5.<br />

Abstract – The actual paper presents the results of a comparative study of Collembola communities<br />

in diff erent agricultural habitats including intensively managed plant cultures,<br />


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