Facskó Ferenc (szerk.) (2012): Kutatások a Nyugat-magyarországi

Facskó Ferenc (szerk.) (2012): Kutatások a Nyugat-magyarországi

Facskó Ferenc (szerk.) (2012): Kutatások a Nyugat-magyarországi


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<strong>Kutatások</strong> a <strong>Nyugat</strong>-<strong>magyarországi</strong> Egyetemen<br />

HORVÁTH A. – BIDLÓ A. – SZŰCS P. – KÁMÁN O. – NÉMETH E. (<strong>2012</strong>): Soil Conditions in Sopron.<br />

International Scientifi c Conference on Sustainable Development and Ecological<br />

Footprint: The Impact of Urbanization, Industrial and Agricultural Technologies on<br />

the Natural Environment, Complex Study of Urban Eco-environment in the Western<br />

Transdanubia Region Section, <strong>Nyugat</strong>-<strong>magyarországi</strong> Egyetem, March 26., Sopron.<br />

Abstract – The aim of our study was the investigation of the physical and chemical characteristics<br />

of soils of Sopron. Based on our results the physical assortment of the samples was<br />

highly clay in 6% of the samples. The pH measurements show that the deeper soil layers<br />

belong to the slightly high class. 25% of the samples does not contain calcium-carbonate,<br />

but calcium-carbonate has been found in the majority of the samples in the city center.<br />

The upper layers of the soils in Sopron are rich in humus. Especially in the forest soils in<br />

the South-western part of the city (next to the TV tower), we detected higher humus and<br />

nitrogen values but these values are typically smaller in the deeper soil layer. For the ALsolvent<br />

potassium, the lowest values have been measured in the area of the city. We found<br />

extremely high values of AL-solvent phosphorus, of KCl-solvent calcium and magnesium<br />

in the traffi c zones, as well as near to the agricultural area. The highest values have been<br />

detected in the Sopron-hills, also in the case of iron. The manganese contents follow the<br />

tendencies of the iron values in most of the samples. In both soil layers the higher zinc content<br />

have been found in the downtown area, especially near to the busy roads in the center<br />

and near to the bus station. The copper content was high in the Virágvölgy and the suburban<br />

district of the town.<br />

BIDLÓ A. – SZŰCS P. – KÁMÁN O. – HORVÁTH A. – NÉMETH E. (<strong>2012</strong>): Soil scientifi c investigation<br />

in Székesfehérvár. International Scientifi c Conference on Sustainable Development<br />

and Ecological Footprint: The Impact of Urbanization, Industrial and Agricultural<br />

Technologies on the Natural Environment, Complex Study of Urban Eco-environment<br />

in the Western Transdanubia Region Section, <strong>Nyugat</strong>-<strong>magyarországi</strong> Egyetem, March<br />

26., Sopron.<br />

Abstract – In our investigation the chemical and physical characteristics of diff erent soil<br />

types have been analysed in Székesfehérvár and in its surroundings. In spring-summer<br />

2011 we collected 288 samples on 144 points from two soil layers (in 0-10 and 10-20<br />

cm depths). Based on our results it can be concluded, that the soils are mostly alkaline,<br />

and the calcium-carbonate content is high mainly in the city. The acidity and calciumcarbonate<br />

content of soils are determined fundamentally by the parent material and the<br />

calcareous deposited debris. Based on the particle size distribution and the Arany-type<br />

compactness analysis, most of the samples are loamy textured soils. The physical assortments<br />

show a heterogeneous picture in the city area, which refer to the soil types with different<br />

deposition. The upper soil layer is well supplied with nitrogen. It can be explained<br />

by the artifi cial fertilizer applied in this agricultural area and the human activity in the<br />

city region. The soil of the surrounding agricultural territory is in the most cases less humic.<br />

The possible reason of this is the intensive agricultural cultivation in this region.<br />

The agricultural area shows generally very high phosphorus values, which is probably resulted<br />

from the anthropogenic phosphorus fertilization. We detected the highest iron and<br />

manganese contents in the Csalai forest, which is situated in the northeast direction from<br />

the town. These high iron and manganese values refer to mineral origin. In both layers the<br />

highest copper values have been detected in the Máriavölgy street along the main road in<br />

suburban district. Salient zinc values have been found in Szárazrét (western part of the<br />

town), from the industrial area along the railway line, where an iron-foundry industry<br />


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