stiinte med 1 2012.indd - Academia de Ştiinţe a Moldovei

stiinte med 1 2012.indd - Academia de Ştiinţe a Moldovei

stiinte med 1 2012.indd - Academia de Ştiinţe a Moldovei


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Ştiinţe Medicale<br />

Bibliografie<br />

1. Aiba A., Hirayama A., Iri H. et al., Adrenocorticotropic<br />

hormone - in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt bilateral adrenocortical<br />

macronodular hyperplasia as a distinct subtype of Cushing<br />

syndrome. Amer. J. Clin. Pathol., 1999; 96: 334-340.<br />

2. Duca S., Suprarenalectomia laparoscopică. Chirurgia<br />

laparoscopică S. Duca (sub red.), Editura “Paralela<br />

45”, 2001, 389-401.<br />

3. Dragomirescu C., Litescu M., Copaescu C., Chirurgia<br />

miniinvaziva vi<strong>de</strong>oendoscopică a sistemului endocrin.<br />

Actualităţi în chirurgie C. Dragomirescu, I. Popescu<br />

(sub red.), Bucureşti: Ed. Celsius, 1998, p. 110-118.<br />

4. Hotineanu V., Hotineanu A., Bujac M., Adrenalectomia<br />

laparoscopică versus adrenalectomia <strong>de</strong>schisă. Arta<br />

Medica. Chişinău, 2010; 3(42): 81-83.<br />

5. Hotineanu V., Cazacov V., Bujac M., Chirurgie.<br />

Curs selectiv. Chişinău, 2008. Capitolul III. “Bolile chirurgicale<br />

ale suprarenalelor”, p. 80-92.<br />

6. Fernan<strong>de</strong>z-Cruz L., Saenz A., Laparoscopic adrenalectomy<br />

for pheochromocytoma in Minimally invazive<br />

endocrine surgery. Gagner M., Inabnet W.B. (sub red.),<br />

Editura “Lippincott Williams & Wilkins”, 2002, p. 235-<br />

243.<br />

7. Rubino F., Bellantone R. – Laparoscopic adrenalsparing<br />

surgery in Minimally invazive endocrine surgery.<br />

In: Gagner M, Inabnet WB (sub red.), Editura Lippincott<br />

Williams & Wilkins, 2007, 217-227.<br />

8. Калинин А.П., Тишенина Р.С., Богатырев О.П.,<br />

Молчанов Г.С., Лукьянчиков В.С., Гарагезова А.Р.,<br />

Клинико-биохимические тесты в изучении отдаленных<br />

результатов хирурги ческого лечения первичного<br />

гиперальдостеронизма и феох ромоцитомы. Москва:<br />

МОНИКИ, 2000; 32: 16-19.<br />

9. Майстренко Н.А., Вавилов А.Г., Довганюк<br />

В.С, Ромащен ко П.Н. Современные аспекты хирургии<br />

надпочечников. Хирургия, 2000; 5: 21-26.<br />

Rezumat<br />

Lucrarea dată prezintă un studiu al tratamentului chirurgical<br />

a 115 pacienţi cu formaţiuni <strong>de</strong> volum suprarenale,<br />

trataţi în Clinica <strong>de</strong> Chirurgie nr. 2 a USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”<br />

pe parcursul anilor 1996-2012. Prin abord <strong>de</strong>schis<br />

(lumbotomie sau laparotomie) au fost operaţi 82 (70,68%)<br />

<strong>de</strong> bolnavi, iar 34 (29,31%) au fost operaţi laparoscopic.<br />

S-a remarcat că adrenalectomia laparoscopică este însoţită<br />

<strong>de</strong> mai puţine complicaţii intra- şi postoperatorii, comparativ<br />

cu adrenalectomia <strong>de</strong>schisă.<br />

Summary<br />

This report presents a study of a surgical treatment<br />

of 115 patients with adrenal tumors treated in Clinic of<br />

Surgery 2 of State Medical University ”N. Testemitanu”,<br />

during the period of 1996-2012 years. By open<br />

adrenalectomy (lumbotomy or laparotomy) were treated 82<br />

(70,68%) patients, and 34 (29,31%) of them were operated<br />

laparoscopically. Was remarced, that in laparoscopic<br />

adrenalectomy where less operatory or postoperatory<br />

complications, then in open adrenalectomy.<br />

245<br />

Резюме<br />

В данной работе представлены результаты хирургического<br />

лечения 115 больных с новообразованиями<br />

надпочечников, прооперированных в клинике хирургии<br />

nr. 2 ГУМФ «Николае Тестемицану» за период с<br />

1996 по 2012 г. Открытым доступом (люмботомия или<br />

лапаротомия) были оперированы 82 (70,68%) больных,<br />

лапароскопически – 34 (29,31%) больных. Было выявлено,<br />

что при лапароскопических адреналэктомиях<br />

встречаются меньше осложнений, чем при открытых<br />

операциях.<br />




_______________________________________<br />

Eva Gudumac, Professor, Aca<strong>de</strong>mician,<br />

Natalia Cojuşneanu, doctoral study,<br />

Jana Bernic, Ph.D.M., Professor, The State<br />

Medical and Pharmaceutical University<br />

„Nicolae Testemitanu”<br />

Actuality<br />

Acute generalized peritonitis is the most common<br />

cause of lethality in abdominal surgery in children.<br />

The clinical trials <strong>de</strong>termined that the most common<br />

cause of peritonitis is acute complicated appendicitis.<br />

In the case of perforated or gangrenous appendicitis,<br />

the morphopathologically changes are typically not<br />

only for acute appendicitis, but for local peritonitis,<br />

diffuse or generalized. In this case, the diagnosis<br />

should be enlarged in this manner to be complete [1,<br />

2, 4, 5].<br />

A massive inoculation of bacteria in abdominal<br />

cavity is present in the case of perforation or gangrene<br />

of appendix (through the wall of appendix). The<br />

inflamation of appendix is due to an association of<br />

bacteria, especially anaerobic. This fact <strong>de</strong>termines<br />

major disturbances, clinical signs and severe<br />

prognosis in acute appendicitis, in comparison with<br />

acute perforation of stomach, duo<strong>de</strong>num, etc. [4, 8,<br />

9, 11, 13].<br />

The acute appendicitis presents the clinical signs<br />

of peritonitis, at least after 24-48 hours of illness<br />

which are <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt of appendix position, type of<br />

<strong>de</strong>fense reaction of peritoneum, omentum and of<br />

growing host organism [7, 12, 13].<br />

In some cases, there are very untypical clinical<br />

features, because of anomalies of gastrointestinal<br />

tract, and abnormal position of caecum and appendix.<br />

Sometimes, an abscess may be for<strong>med</strong>, behind<br />

of perforation of appendix at which, omentum is<br />

adhered [5, 11]. In all the cases of positive diagnosis,<br />

an emergency surgical treatment is indicated.

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