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Here's to Looking at You, Kid, 1995, video stills, courtesy: the artist and galerie Michel Reinprivatæ øi cea publicæ, de faptul cæ e mult mai probabil sæ devinæ o victimæ a represiunilorpolitice øi economice?√ Fiind eu însæmi femeie, îmi vine mai uøor sæ vorbesc de pe aceastæ poziflie, cæcieste øi poziflia mea. Nu ne punem niciodatæ întrebarea de ce bærbaflii reprezintæ olume a bærbaflilor, ceva ce pare normal. Reprezentarea bærbaflilor este predominantæîn lumea noastræ øi noi o acceptæm ca atare. În schimb, atunci cînd o femeiereprezintæ o lume a femeilor, întrebæm „de ce?“. Pentru mine, ca feministæ, aceastæatitudine îmi întæreøte motivele de a susfline o perspectivæ feministæ, întrucît credcæ a pune aceastæ întrebare demonstreazæ cæ nu sîntem încæ egali. Întrebarea fiindîncæ prezentæ, ea este o parte a ræspunsului.Este adeværat cæ asistæm la o dificultate a femeilor de a fi prezente în lumea artisticæ.Aceastæ dificultate o întîlnim, de asemenea, øi în spafliul public. Dacæ privim laultimele alegeri [prezidenfliale] din Franfla, la diminutivele aplicate numelor candidaflilor,pentru bærbat avem o prescurtare de la numele sæu de familie, Sarko (Sarkozy),în timp ce pentru femeie, de la prenumele ei, Ségo (Ségolène). Este ceva simbolic,mai ales cînd media preia øi generalizeazæ uzul acestei discrepanfle, femeia nuare nici mæcar un nume de familie, iar asta devine un simptom al modului în carefemeile sînt tratate în sfera publicæ. Este o chestiune importantæ, în special în lumeaartei; chiar dacæ acolo femeile au mai mult loc øi mai multæ putere decît înainte, tote într-o mai micæ mæsuræ decît bærbaflii, øi este important ca aceste spaflii sæ se deschidæpentru femei. Este un subiect care m-a preocupat intens în momentul în care amcreat ciclul de performance-uri Women at Work (Under Construction [În construcflie],1999, The Observers [Observatorii], 2000, Washing-up, 2001) – întrucît era o seriecome from the real world, and consequently we decide to take themin consideration or not. I like to take them in consideration.Also I consider them an important challenge. During the performancewhich took place in Paris, Je mange le pain des autres (I’m eatingsomebody else’s bread), 2006, in which I was not allowing thepublic to take the bread I was eating, I was attacked. People wantedto have a piece of this bread which had nothing special. The interdictionmade them react violently while there was a good buffet justbehind them. This is a provocation which interests me a lot: whereare the limits of the interdiction and who imposes them? How dothey move and in which periods of history? How do relations ofpower transform?¬ Politics has an important place in your work, however, its representationis mediated most of the times through the woman.What are the reasons for this? Is this due to this one’s position withinsociety and within the art-world, to the link she makes between privateand public sphere, to her being more likely to fall under politicaland economic repression?√ Being a woman myself, it feels easier to speak of this position, asit is my position too. We are never asking the question why men arerepresenting a men’s world, which seems normal. The men’s representationis predominant in our world and we accept it as such.Instead, when a woman represents a women’s world we are askingthe question “why?“. For me, being a feminist, this attitude reinforcesmy reasons to claim a feminist perspective, for I think thatasking this question demonstrates that we are not yet equal. Thequestion being still present, it’s a part of the answer.It’s true that we are witnessing a difficulty for women to be presentin the art world. This difficulty however, we find it also in public112

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