22.10.2014 Aufrufe

Daten und Fakten 2011 - Universitätsspital Basel

Daten und Fakten 2011 - Universitätsspital Basel

Daten und Fakten 2011 - Universitätsspital Basel


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64<br />

Bereich Chirurgie<br />

Publikationen Hand- <strong>und</strong> periphere Nervenchirurgie<br />

1. Kalbermatten DF, Schaakxs D, Kingham PJ, Wiberg M.<br />

Neurotrophic activity of human adipose stem cells isolated from deep and<br />

superficial layers of abdominal fat.<br />

Cell Tissue Res. <strong>2011</strong> May;344(2):251-60.<br />

2. Di Summa PG, Kalbermatten DF, Pralong E, Raffoul W, Kingham PJ, Terenghi G.<br />

Long-term in vivo regeneration of peripheral nerves through bioengineered nerve<br />

grafts.<br />

Neuroscience. <strong>2011</strong> May 5;181:278-91<br />

3. Kämpfen A, Daigeler A, Largo RD, Bader R, Arkudas A, Bleiziffer O, Frank J, Frick<br />

A, Huemer G, Kneser U, Scherrer D, Schwabegger A, Schaefer DJ, Pierer G,<br />

Hierner R.<br />

Report of the consensus workshop on microsurgical training at the 32nd annual<br />

meeting of the german-speaking group for microsurgery of the peripheral nerves<br />

and vessels in <strong>Basel</strong> 2010.<br />

Handchir Mikrochir Plast Chir. <strong>2011</strong> Aug;43(4):262-5.<br />

4. Largo RD, Jung FJ, Calcagni M, Jandali AR.<br />

Multicentric localised giant cell tumour of the tendon sheath on both hands with<br />

a focal infiltration of the extensor tendon: case report and review of the literature.<br />

Handchir Mikrochir Plast Chir. <strong>2011</strong> Jun; 43(3):181-5.º<br />

Poster<br />

Häfeli M:<br />

Poster FESSH Meeting Oslo, Clinical application of rapid prototyping in finger<br />

reconstruction after traumatic bone loss

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