Cox, George - Aryan Mythology Vol 2.pdf

Cox, George - Aryan Mythology Vol 2.pdf

Cox, George - Aryan Mythology Vol 2.pdf


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BOOK virtue. 1<br />

II<br />

So guarded, Jacob is content to lie down to sleep^<br />

in his weary journey to the house of Laban ;<br />

;<br />

and according<br />

to later Jewish tradition the stone so set up was carried to<br />

Jerusalem, and there reverenced. But the erection of these<br />

stone columns or pillars, 2 the forms of which in most cases<br />

tell their own story, are common throughout the East, some<br />

of the most elaborate being found near Ghizni. 3 The<br />

wooden emblem carries us, however, more directly to the<br />

natural mythology of the subject. The rod acquired an in-<br />

herent vitality, and put forth leaves and branches in the<br />

Thyrsoi of the Dionysiac worshippers and the Seistron 4 of<br />

Egyptian priests. It became the tree of life, and reappeared<br />

as the rod of wealth and happiness given by Apollon to<br />

Hermes, 5 the mystic spear which Abaris received from the<br />

Hyperborean Sun-god, and which came daily to Phoibos in<br />

his exile laden with all good things. It was seen as the<br />

lituus of the augur, the crooked staff of the shepherd, the<br />

sceptre of the king, and the divining rod which pointed out<br />

hidden springs or treasure to modern conjurors. 6 In a form<br />

1 The word denotes simply a figure and they might he combined in many<br />

of Pallas, and Pallas is but another ways. Das Zeichen Schiba's ein Triform<br />

of Phallos. To the same class angel, mit der Spitze nach oben (A),<br />

belong the names of Pales, the Latin das aufwarts strebende, Feuer versinngod<br />

of flocks and shepherds, and of the lichend, wie umgekehrt, des feuchten<br />

Sicilian Palikoi. The former is con- Wischnu Symbol das (v). das abwarts<br />

nected with the Roman Palatium, the fliessende Wasser versinnlichend. Daspot<br />

doubtless where the emblem was mit die Welt geschaffen werde, musste<br />

supposed to have been first set up. The "Wischnu einst dem Schiba die Dienste<br />

latter are Dioskouroi, twin sons of Zeus des Weibes leisten. Der monotheistand<br />

Thaleia, although they have rather ische Israelit gab beide Zeichen dem<br />

the character of demons. Jehovah, wie der Judische Talisman<br />

2 They are the columns of Herakles, /v_<br />

Dionysos, Osiris and Sesostris. The ( V Y ) Scutum Davidis genannt, bestatements<br />

of Herodotos about the v<br />

pillars set up by this last-named god weist.'—Nork, s. v. Schiba. We cannot<br />

are singularly significant. They are hesitate to connect with these columns<br />

distinctly connected with virile strength, the pillared Saints whether of the East<br />

although he supposes that they were or the West. The Stylite did not choose<br />

erectedtoreceiveinscriptions. Thenames thus to exalt himself without any rea-<br />

of those nations, who had won a reputa- son. He found the column or pillar,<br />

tion for bravery, were carved on them Phallos, an object of idolatrous reverence,<br />

without further marks: otcW 5e d/uaxyrl and he wished doubtless to connect the<br />

koI 6U7reTe'a>s TrapeKafie rds irdMs, tovtokti emblem with more spiritual associations.<br />

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