Cox, George - Aryan Mythology Vol 2.pdf

Cox, George - Aryan Mythology Vol 2.pdf

Cox, George - Aryan Mythology Vol 2.pdf


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4 mythology of the akyan nations.<br />

BOOK form probably of Grendel, 1 showed itself in the form of a<br />

II<br />

foal. The devil of the witches was a black buck or goat 2<br />

that of the fathers of the Christian Church was a devouring<br />

wolf. 3 Like Ahi, again, and Python and Echidna, he is<br />

not only the old serpent or dragon but the hell-worm, and<br />

the walnsh or leviathan (a name in which we see again<br />

the Vala or deceiver). 4 Like Baalzebub, he assumes the<br />

form of a fly, as Psyche may denote either a good or an<br />

evil spirit. As the hammer which crushes the world, and<br />

inflicts the penalty of sin on the sinner, he plays the part<br />

of the Aloadai and Thor Miolnir. As the guardian of the<br />

underworld, he is the hellward and the hell-shepherd or<br />

host. His gloomy abode lies towards the north, whether as<br />

the gloomy Ovelgunne, which has furnished a name for<br />

many places in Germany,—the Hekelfelde, Heklufiall, or<br />

hag's fell,— or the nobiskroech, nobiskrug, which answers<br />

to the gate beyond which the lost souls leave hope behind<br />

them. 5 The same process, which converted the kindly<br />

Holda into the malignant Unholda, attributed to the devil<br />

occupations borrowed from those of the Teutonic Odin and<br />

the Greek Orion. But it is no longer the mighty hunter<br />

following his prey on the asphodel meadow, or the god<br />

traversing his domain in stately procession. The brave and<br />

good who, had followed the midnight journeys of Wuotan<br />

give place to the wretched throng of evil-doers who are<br />

hurried along in the devil's train, or in that of some human<br />

being, who for his pre-eminent wickedness is made to<br />

take the devil's place. In Denmark the hunter is King<br />

Waldemar, in Germany Dietrich of Bern, in France King<br />

Hugh or Charles V. ; in England it is Heme the Hunter of<br />

Windsor, and the one-handed Boughton or Lady Skipwith<br />

1 Grimm, D. M. 946. the former answering to the Hellenic<br />

2 Grimm, ib. 946-7. The buck was Kerberos. He also compares the Old<br />

specially sacred to DonarorThor; but German warg, a wolf, with the Polish<br />

it is possible that this transformation, wroq, the Bohemian wrah, the Slovinian<br />

like that of Lykaon and Arkas, was sug- vrag, an evil-doer.<br />

gested by an equivocal name; and the 4 Grimm, ib. 950.<br />

buck may be only a kindred form to the 5 lb. 954. This word nobis is formed<br />

Slavish Bog, which reappears among us from the Greek &/3 v

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