Cox, George - Aryan Mythology Vol 2.pdf

Cox, George - Aryan Mythology Vol 2.pdf

Cox, George - Aryan Mythology Vol 2.pdf


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BOOK But the true mythology of the subject is connected rather<br />

IL<br />

. with the Yoni than with the Linga. If the latter serves as<br />

Symbols of a sign of power, the former becomes the image of unbounded<br />

wealth and fertility. If the Linga is the sun-god in his<br />

majesty, the Yoni is the earth who yields her fruit under his<br />

fertilising warmth; and it thus represents the sum of all<br />

potential existence. It is the ark which contains all the<br />

livino' creatures of the earth, while the sun is hidden behind<br />

the impenetrable rain clouds ; it is the Argo, which shelters<br />

all the Achaian chieftains through the weary darkness of<br />

their search for the Golden Fleece. In this form the emblem<br />

at once exhibits mysterious properties akin to those of the<br />

Linga, and passes into a legion of shapes, all closely resem-<br />

bling the original form, all possessing in greater or less<br />

degree a talismanic power, but all manifesting the presence<br />

of the essential idea of boundless fertility which the symbol<br />

was specially adopted to denote. The Argo itself is divine.<br />

It was the work of a being akin to, if not identical with,<br />

Argos Panoptes, the all-seeing, who guards the heifer 16. In<br />

its prow Athene, the dawn-goddess, herself places a piece<br />

of wood 1 fromTthe speaking oaks of Dodona, and the ship is<br />

thus endowed with the power of warning and guiding the<br />

chieftains who form its crew. This mystic vessel reappears<br />

in the shell of Aphrodite, and in the ship borne in solemn<br />

procession to the Parthenon on the great Panathenaic<br />

festival, 2 as the phallos was carried before the god in the<br />

o-reat feasts of Dionysos. Over this ship floated the saffron-<br />

coloured robe woven for it by the hands of Athenian maidens,<br />

as the women in the temple at Jerusalem wove hangings for<br />

the Ashera of Baal. This ship again is the bark or boat-<br />

brides of the Lamb. The idea of nence in the Phrygian or Eastern mymonachism<br />

or asceticism for woman thology. ' Nun erzahlt Arnobius, Cyprobably<br />

never entered the head of bele habe mit ihrem Kleide den abge-<br />

Hindu or Buddhists theologians and schnittenen Phallus des Attes bedeekt,<br />

philosophers.<br />

ein Grebrauch, welcher in den Mysterien<br />

1 Seemingly the Phallos, which gave der Isis gleichfalls vorkam, denn zu<br />

her title of Pallas. In the issue this Byblos wurde im Tompel der Baaltis<br />

piece of wood, or pole, is as fatal to Ias6n (Gottermutter) das heilige Holz cpaWos,<br />

(<br />

as the Stauros to Osiris, or the Mistletoe<br />

to Baldur.<br />

pains)<br />

deckt.<br />

von der Isis mit Leinwand be-<br />

Plut. de Is. c. 16. Nun wirdauch<br />

2 The connexion of the robe or veil die Bibelstelle (Ecccli. xvi. 17) klar.'<br />

with the Phallic emblem is brought out, Nork, s. v. 'Attes.'<br />

as we might expect, with great promi-<br />

—<br />

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