Cox, George - Aryan Mythology Vol 2.pdf

Cox, George - Aryan Mythology Vol 2.pdf

Cox, George - Aryan Mythology Vol 2.pdf


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comrades will but abstain from hurting the cattle of Helios CHAP,<br />

in the island of Thrinakia—or in other words, as we have .<br />

seen, if they will not waste time by the way. Coming back<br />

to Kirke he is further warned against other foes in the air<br />

and the waters in the Seirens and Skylla and Charybdis.<br />

Worse than all, however, is the fate which awaits him in<br />

Thrinakia. The storm which is sent after the death of the<br />

oxen of Helios destroys all his ships and all his comrades,<br />

and Odysseus alone reaches the island of Kalypso, who, like<br />

Eos, promises him immortality if he will but tarry with her<br />

for ever. But it may not be. The yearning for his home<br />

and his wife may be repressed for a time, but it cannot be<br />

extinguished ; and Athene has exacted from Zeus an oath<br />

that Odysseus shall assuredly be avenged of all who have<br />

wronged him. So at the bidding of Hermes Kalypso helps<br />

Odysseus to build a raft, which bears him towards Scheria,<br />

until Poseidon again hurls him from it. But Ino Leukothea<br />

is at hand to save him, and he is at last thrown up almost<br />

dead on the shore of the Phaiakian ]and, where Athene brings<br />

Nausikaa to his rescue. He is now in the true cloudland of<br />

his friends, where everything is beautiful and radiant ; and<br />

in one of the magic ships of Alkinoos he is wafted to Ithaka,<br />

and landed on his native soil, buried in a profound slumber.<br />

Here the wanderer of twenty years, who finds himself an<br />

outcast from his own home, where the suitors have been<br />

wasting his substance with riotous living, prepares for his<br />

last great work of vengeance, and for a battle which answers<br />

to the fatal conflict between Achilleus and Hektor. He is<br />

himself but just returned from the search and the recovery<br />

of a stolen treasure ; but before he can rest in peace, there<br />

remains yet another woman whom he must rescue, and<br />

another treasure on which he must lay his hands. Of the<br />

incidents of this struggle it is unnecessary here to say more<br />

than that they exhibit the victory of the poor despised out-<br />

cast, whether it be Boots, or Cinderella, or Jack the Giant<br />

Killer, over those who pride themselves on their grandeur<br />

and their strength. He stands a beggar in his own hall.<br />

Athene herself has taken all beauty from his face, all colour<br />

from his golden hair ;<br />

but there remains yet the bow which<br />

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