Cox, George - Aryan Mythology Vol 2.pdf

Cox, George - Aryan Mythology Vol 2.pdf

Cox, George - Aryan Mythology Vol 2.pdf


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l BOOK malignant devils ; but unless their horrible fellowship was<br />

. ^ , speedily to come to an end, they must be under the rule of<br />

some king, and this king they found in the Semitic Satan.<br />

Of the theology which sprung from this root it is enough to<br />

say that it endowed the king of the fallen angels with the<br />

powers of omnipresence and omniscience, and made him so<br />

far a conqueror in his great struggle with the author of his<br />

being as to succeed in wresting for ever out of the hands of<br />

God all but an insignificant fraction of the whole race of<br />

mankind. The victory of the Almighty God could not<br />

extend either to the destruction of Satan and his subordinate<br />

demons, or to the rescue of the souls whom he had enticed<br />

to their ruin ; and if power be measured by the multitude of<br />

subjects, his defeat by Michael could scarcely be regarded as<br />

much impairing his magnificent success. Of the effect of<br />

this belief on the moral and social developement of Christen-<br />

dom, it is unnecessary to speak : but it must not be forgotten<br />

that this particular developement of the Jewish demonology<br />

was the natural outgrowth of passionate convictions anima-<br />

ting a scanty band in an almost hopeless struggle against a<br />

society thoroughly corrupt and impure. It was almost im-<br />

possible for any whose eyes were opened to its horrors to<br />

look upon it as anything but a loathsome mass which could<br />

never be cleansed from its defilement. What could they see<br />

but a vast gulf separating the few who were the soldiers of<br />

Christ from the myriads who thronged together under the<br />

standard of his adversary? Hence grew up by a process<br />

which cannot much excite our wonder that severe theology,<br />

which, known especially as that of Augustine, represented<br />

the Christian Church as an ark floating on a raging sea,<br />

open only to those who received the sacrament of baptism,<br />

and shut both here and hereafter to infants dying before it<br />

could be administered. It was inevitable that under such<br />

conditions the image of Satan should more and more fill the<br />

1 The Christian missionaries were und siindlich, nicht als absolut nichtig<br />

further conscious that their own thau- schilderte : die Wunder des Christen<br />

maturgy might be called into question, erscheinen dadurch ghuihhafter, dass<br />

if that of the old creed were treated as audi dem althergebrachten Heidenmere<br />

imposture or illusion. ' Die neue thum etwas ubernatiirliches gelassen<br />

Lehre konnte leichter keimen und wurde.'—Grimm, 1). M. 7o7.<br />

wurzeln wenn sie die alte als gehassig

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