Cox, George - Aryan Mythology Vol 2.pdf

Cox, George - Aryan Mythology Vol 2.pdf

Cox, George - Aryan Mythology Vol 2.pdf


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TIT<br />

Titania and Bottom, i. 402<br />

Titans, ii. 206. 212 et seq.<br />

Tithonos, i. 413, 415, 431 ; ii. 31, 89<br />

Titurel, ii. 122<br />

Tityos, i. 438; ii. 143<br />

Tlepolemos, ii. 48, 51<br />

Tradition, oral, value of, i. 187 et seq.<br />

Traitana, i. 441 ; ii. 353<br />

Transformation, power of, i. 391, 395;<br />

ii. 26, 223, 2o6, 259, 291 et seq., 313<br />

Treasure, the lost or stolen, i. 204,<br />

276, 283, 313, 413; ii. 80, 1-47<br />

et seq., 319<br />

Tree and serpent worship, ii. 36, 116<br />

Tribal legends, Greek, i. 77, 83, 219<br />

— the Argive story, i. 220<br />

Athenian story, i. 224<br />

Megarian story, i. 223<br />

Pelopid story, i. 224<br />

Teutonic story, i. 239<br />

Theban story, i. 221<br />

Tribute children, ii. 65, 349<br />

Trikorythos, ii. 182<br />

Trimurtti, i. 345, 372, 384<br />

Triptolemos, i. 292 ; ii. 162, 309<br />

Tristram, i. 312 ; ii. 33, 120<br />

— and Iseult, i. 323<br />

Trita, i. 440, 441 ; ii. 354<br />

Trito, i. 440<br />

Tritogeneia<br />

Triton, i. 440<br />

Tritonis, i. 440<br />

Tritopator, i. 441<br />

Trivikrama, ii. 131<br />

Trolls, i. 141, 408, 438; ii. 51, 303,<br />

313<br />

Trophonios, i. 116 ; ii. 24<br />

Tros, ii. 84<br />

Troy, sieges of, i. 190, 219 ; ii. 48,<br />

160, 368<br />

— wars of, i. 156, 193, 254 ; ii. 5,<br />

160<br />

as related by Dion Chrysostom,<br />

i. 184<br />

Herodotos, i. 183<br />

Stesichoros, i. 183, 186<br />

Thucydides, i. 183 et seq.<br />

Tschernibog, ii. 363<br />

Tuisco, i. 354, 415<br />

Tullius, Servius, i. 260<br />

Turanian myths, i. 456<br />

Turnus, i. 239, 260<br />

Tvashtar, i. 391<br />

Twilight, ii. 38<br />

— of the gods, i. 70, 368 ; ii. 95, 211<br />

— the sister of Night, i. 418<br />

Twelve Olympian gods, i. 360<br />

Twins, the, i. 391<br />

Twin deities, i. 391 ; ii. 82, 114<br />

Tyche., ii. 20<br />

— Agathe, ii. 20<br />

INDEX. 305<br />

VEN<br />

Tyehe Akraia, ii. 20<br />

Tydeus, i. 380; ii. 186<br />

Tyndareos, ii. 79, 1N6, 283<br />

Typh&on, Typhoons, Typhon, i. 359,<br />

360, 305 ; ii. 24, 71, 212, 334<br />

Tyr, i. 370, 377<br />

Tyrins, i. 184<br />

Tyro, ii. 82<br />


i. 383<br />

J Ukko, i. 120<br />

Ulysses, Ulyxes, ii.<br />

Uma, i. 343, 389<br />

172<br />

Una and<br />

437<br />

the Ked Cross Knight, i.<br />

Undine, Fouque's, i. 400<br />

Unholda, ii. 364<br />

Upend ra, ii. 131<br />

Urd, ii. 11<br />

Urisk, ii. 316, 366<br />

Urre of Hungary, i. 315<br />

Ursula, St. i. 164, 231, 410 ;<br />

Uruki, i. 397<br />

Uranus [Ouranos]<br />

Urvasi, i. 103, 397 et seq.<br />

Ushapati, i. 427<br />

Ushas, i. 20, 115, 415, 440<br />

Uther, i. 309<br />

ii. 218<br />

VACH,<br />

i. 344, 382<br />

Vaisvanara, ii. 192<br />

Vala, i. 441 ii. ; 230, 326<br />

Valandinne, ii. 362<br />

Valant, ii. 362<br />

Valhalla, i. 375 ; ii. 326<br />

Valkyrie, i. 280, 375; ii. 285<br />

Vali, i. 369<br />

Vampire, i. 363<br />

Vanaheim, i. 372<br />

Vanamali, the flower-crowned Krishna,<br />

ii. 132<br />

Vanir, i. 381<br />

Varuna, i. 327, 330 et seq.<br />

— horses of, i. 335<br />

VAS, ih,' root, ii. 123<br />

Vasishtha, i. 395<br />

Vastoshpati, i. 422<br />

Vasu, i. 342; ii. 130, 196<br />

Vavu, i. 153; ii. 221<br />

Vedic hymns, language of the, i.<br />

102<br />

Vedjovis, Vejovis, i. 354<br />

Vengeance, mythical, i. 160<br />

— of Achi Ileus, i. 249<br />

— Brynhild, i. 289<br />

_ ('.mall, ii. 58<br />

— Grettir, i. 323<br />

— Kriemhild, i. 299 et seq.<br />

— Odysseus, i. 160, 269

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