Cox, George - Aryan Mythology Vol 2.pdf

Cox, George - Aryan Mythology Vol 2.pdf

Cox, George - Aryan Mythology Vol 2.pdf


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221<br />

CHAPTER V.<br />

THE WINDS.<br />

Section I.—VAYU AND THE MARUTS.<br />

The god of the bright heaven, who is known as Dyu, Indra,<br />

and Agni, is also called Vayu, a name denoting, it would .<br />

CHAP.<br />

,1—<br />

seem, simply the gentler movements of the air, which are Va y u ? ncl<br />

expressed by the sweet pipings of the Greek Pan and the<br />

soft breathings of the Latin Favonius. As snch, he comes<br />

early in the morning to chase away the demons, and the<br />

Dawns weave for him golden raiment. 1 He is drawn by the<br />

Nirjuts, and has Indra for his charioteer. 2 With some he<br />

was, along with Agni and Sivrya, supreme among the deities.<br />

4<br />

There are only three deities, according to the Nairuktas<br />

(etymologists) : Agni whose place is on earth ; Vayu or Indra<br />

whose place is in the atmosphere, and Surya whose place is<br />

in the sky.' 3<br />

The blustering rage of the Greek Boreas and the more Boreas<br />

6<br />

violent moods of Hermes are represented by the crowd of<br />

Marut? .<br />

Maruts, or storm-winds, who attend on Indra. and aid him<br />

in his struggle with his great enemy Vritra. Of these<br />

beings it is enough to say, that the language used in de-<br />

scribing their functions is, if possible, more transparent than<br />

that of the poem known as the Homeric Hymn to Hermes.<br />

They overturn trees and destroy forests, they roar like lions<br />

and are as swift as thought, they shake the mountains and<br />

are clothed with rain. They are borne on tawny-coloured<br />

horses ; they are brothers, c of whom no one is the elder, no<br />

one the younger.' They are born self-luminous with the<br />

1 Muir, Sanskrit Texts, part iv. Muir, Sctnskr. Texts, iv. 3, 7.<br />

p. 337. 3 Muir, Skr. Texts, part iv. p. 57.<br />

2 H. H. Wilson, JR. V. S. iii. 209

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