6th European Conference - Academic Conferences

6th European Conference - Academic Conferences

6th European Conference - Academic Conferences


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Karim Hamza and Van Dalen<br />

Awareness and Media : create citizen/personal awareness working and dealing with<br />

eGovernance framework, on how to protect themselves, how to report violation, be awre with<br />

different types of threat and the legal impact of violation<br />

8. Conclusion<br />

It is becoming obvious that eGovernance will become the information backbone of any government<br />

which creates a strong relation to strategic information warfare; since both are based on information<br />

and use technology. In addition, the first will contain most of the government’s and community<br />

information and will become the main war fields in the future. This requires different set of attention;<br />

since not all existing warfare techniques will be applicable in handling eGovernance threats; this<br />

should include non military approaches like Policy, diplomatic and laws.<br />

eGovernance framework main challenge is adaptability on dynamic eGovernance framework; since<br />

continuous changes on government strategies and the environment surrounding it plus the continuous<br />

changes of technology and threat parties either internal or external, will require continuous<br />

development to cope with such changes and complex decision making structure, not to forget that<br />

some conditions of strategic information warfare have to be taken into account in the design process<br />

of eGovernance frameworks, like: control of different stakeholders, monitor and detection, continuous<br />

development and defining different sets of response approaches to deal with the rapid changing<br />

environment and changing enemy map.<br />

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URL_ID=4404&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html (extracted 07.10.2010)<br />

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World Bank : Source: http://go.worldbank.org/M1JHE0Z280 (extracted on 02.10.2010)<br />


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