6th European Conference - Academic Conferences

6th European Conference - Academic Conferences

6th European Conference - Academic Conferences


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Kesav Kancherla and Srinivas Mukkamala<br />

ij ij ij<br />

h = ( h , K , h )<br />

(1)<br />

L R<br />

The next 11 functions are dual histograms represented with 8 × 8 matrices g d<br />

i, j,where i, j = 1, . . . , 8,<br />

d =−5, . . . , 5<br />

nB<br />

d<br />

g = ∑δ ( d, dij(<br />

k ))<br />

(2)<br />

ij<br />

k = 1<br />

Where δ(x, y) = 1 if x = y and 0 otherwise. For reducing the features only (i, j) ∈ {(2, 1), (3, 1), (4, 1),<br />

(1, 2), (2, 2), (3, 2), (1, 3), (2, 3), (1, 4)} are taken<br />

The next 6 functions capture inter-block dependency among DCT coefficients. The first function is<br />

variation V<br />

8 | Ir| −1 8 | Ic|<br />

−1<br />

∑∑ ∑∑<br />

| d ( I ( k)) − d ( I ( k+ 1)) | + | d ( I ( k)) − d ( I ( k+<br />

1)) |<br />

ij r ij r ij c ij c<br />

ij , = 1 k= 1 ij , = 1 k=<br />

1<br />

| I | + | I |<br />

r c<br />

Where Ir and Ic denote the vectors of block indices 1. . . nb while scanning the image by rows and by<br />

columns, respectively<br />

The next two functions capture the blockings of the frames<br />

B<br />

⎣⎢( M−1)/8 ⎦⎥ N ⎢⎣( N−1)/8⎥⎦<br />

M<br />

α α<br />

∑ ∑| C8, i j − C8i+ 1, j | + ∑ ∑|<br />

Ci,8 j −Ci,8j+<br />

1|<br />

α =<br />

i= 1 j= 1 j= 1 i=<br />

1<br />

N ⎢⎣( M − 1)/8 ⎥⎦+ M ⎢⎣( N −1)/8⎥⎦<br />

Where M and N are image height and width in pixels and ci, j are grayscale values of the<br />

decompressed JPEG image, α = 1, 2<br />

The last sets of features are co-occurrence matrix of DCT coefficients in neighboring blocks. The cooccurrence<br />

matrix is calculated for values -2 to +2.<br />

4.2 Markov features<br />

From each image F (u, v), we obtain the following difference matrix along the horizontal, vertical,<br />

diagonal and minor diagonal directions.<br />

Fh( u, v) = F( u, v) − F( u+ 1, v)<br />

Fv(,) u v = F(,) u v − F(, u v+<br />

1)<br />

Fd(,) u v = F(,) u v − F( u+ 1, v+<br />

1)<br />

Fm(,) u v = F( u+ 1,) v − F(, u v+<br />

1)<br />

Where F (u, v) is the image u, v gives the pixel location<br />

In order to reduce the dimensionality we consider only the values [-4, +4] in these matrixes. Thus all<br />

the values that is larger than +4 are set to +4 and the values that are smaller than -4 are set to -4.<br />

From these we calculate the transition matrix as follows<br />

146<br />

(3)<br />


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