6th European Conference - Academic Conferences

6th European Conference - Academic Conferences

6th European Conference - Academic Conferences


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Edwin Leigh Armistead and Thomas Murphy<br />

use by home PC users in eCommerce. Identity theft protection needs will continue to increase, as<br />

criminals develop increasingly sophisticated means of stealing electronic identity data. The need for<br />

technologies to detect spoofing in emails and on websites will continue to grow. Finally, the capability<br />

to perform software verification and validation (V&V) to determine the inherent security of software<br />

code will become an area of increasing significance.<br />

We argued in the Strategies to Entering the Fray section, based on our analysis of current and<br />

expected contracts, that IA and Cyber Defense will receive increasing attention. Armistead and Clarke<br />

(Armistead, 2010; Clarke & Knake, 2010) also emphasizes the central and crucial importance of<br />

improving Defensive Cyber capability, and of having open debate on Cyber strategy/planning/policy –<br />

similar to the process carried out for nuclear weapons when that technology emerged 50 years ago.<br />

We appreciate the need for coverage and analysis of Defensive and Offensive Cyber strategy,<br />

operations and tactics. More importantly, we also see a serious need to fix a significant Defensive<br />

shortfall in the US cyber position. Because there is no agency with responsibility for Defense of<br />

civilian banking, commercial, industrial systems, and because the DoD and the USG partially depend<br />

on the commercial internet, a monumental vulnerability exists. Engaging in conflicts with a good<br />

offense but without a good defense will fail. The nation as a whole now finds itself in that situation.<br />

These factors define additional reasons the authors switched to the Defensive current focus in our<br />

Strategies for Entering the Fray section. Both Armistead and Clarke (Armistead L., 2010; Clarke &<br />

Knake, 2010) outline a process to establish a well-founded strategy-policy-plan and minimize risk of<br />

uncontrolled Cyber-Kinetic War. These analyses suggest several topics, simulations and desktop<br />

exercises, which would be useful to USG contract work. A well-founded analysis must address our<br />

overall Strategy and Political situation, with military and cyber strategy as a component of national<br />

strategy.<br />

A difficult area needing both theoretical and practical development is formulating Measures of<br />

Performance [MOP] and Measures of Efficiency [MOE] (Tokar, 2010). This is a focus area of military<br />

effects based (EB) planning. Roughly, when carrying out missions involving the application of<br />

components of IO, IW, Cyber, etc., we need to measure if we are “doing the right things” to effectively<br />

achieve our desired goals [MOP] and if we are efficiently “doing things right” [MOE] to not waste time,<br />

$, equipment and people. A related concept in the business world, which will be increasingly<br />

importance as USG and DoD budgets narrow, is Return on Security Investment [ROSI]. The difficulty<br />

with these ideas is in measuring the impact of one component alone when multiple different initiatives<br />

are brought to bear. How one separates the effects of one from the combination of all is directly<br />

related to the model of the complex DIMES-E processes being used.<br />

Finally, the need for new and improved models of complex, DIMES-E systems is the most<br />

fundamental barrier to achieving success, performance and efficiency. The benefits from such<br />

insightful theory and models will be similar to the leap forward in physical sciences resulting from<br />

Newton’s or Kepler’s Laws. If we are to more simply and accurately understand, predict and act to<br />

bring about a desired future, and if we are to be able to tease out the effects of one factor (e.g. SC,<br />

MISO, etc.) from the effects of many, then we must discover and apply much more insightful theories<br />

and mathematical models to DIMES-E systems. Such models can clarify the attribution of who and<br />

what is really at work and how to anticipate and adjust to the situation. This will allow everyone,<br />

leaders and members of governments and organizations alike, to move beyond simply knowing they<br />

are in serious hardship or risk, to appreciate what is being done right and what is not, and act to bring<br />

about a more desirable future rather than an expected undesirable future.<br />

6. Summary<br />

Our overall goal has been to provide both the sources of funding opportunity for academic<br />

researchers as well as sufficient background to understand the strategies for acquiring funding from<br />

those sources. We first described the intuition and insight into the motivation of players, relationships<br />

and integrated influences in the IA and IO business growth areas. In particular, we noted the<br />

important influence of stress from external conditions and global DIMES-E situations. The ability to<br />

understand and address these integrated problem areas is fundamental to an academic’s funding<br />

success. Based on an analysis of contracts up to September 2010, we noted a current focus on IA<br />

and Cyber security. We concluded that IA and Cyber Security are areas that should and will continue<br />

to receive contract funding. Next, we further analyzed current and historical IO, IW, IA and Cyber<br />

contracts and identified which companies have been awarded more contracts to date and are thus<br />

“opportunity targets” for academic consulting. We provided details of strategies to enter the contract<br />


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