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11 IMSC Session Program<br />

Statistical analyses of the abrupt temperature increases of the<br />

last interglacial<br />

Tuesday - Poster Session 3<br />

Daniel Peavoy<br />

The North Atlantic, during the last glacial period, was subject to large and sudden<br />

climate changes known as Dansgaard-Oeschger (DO) events. These large increases in<br />

temperature, occuring within one hundred years or less, are clearly visible in the<br />

North Greenland Ice core Project (NGRIP) δ 18 O record, which is a proxy for<br />

temperature dating back to the previous interglacial (110 Kyr before present). It is<br />

important to analyse these events in order to understand their pattern of recurrence<br />

and to determine whether similar features are present in the Holocene climate.<br />

Previous conclusions regarding the periodic or random ocurrence of DO events have<br />

been based upon their identification by eye or by using thresholding methods. Since<br />

the climate background temperature changes over the period due to Milankovitch<br />

forcing and the DO events vary in magnitude, it is difficult to distinguish them<br />

unambiguously.<br />

Here we propose to identify DO events by their distinct dynamics rather than their<br />

magnitude. For this we introduce an unobserved climate state, corresponding to either<br />

usual fluctuations or DO event dynamics. Conditional on this hidden state the data is<br />

assumed to evolve according to one of two independent AR(1) processes. We make<br />

no assumptions about the parameters in this model, instead they are estimated from<br />

the NGRIP data using Bayesian methods. Consequently, we are able to present the<br />

posterior probability of an event as a function of time, displaying our uncertainty in<br />

their occurence. We find that there is considerable agreement between times of high<br />

probability in our model and the original identification of DO events.<br />

We consider two different models for the evolution of the hidden state. The first,<br />

assumes the events are a random Poisson Process with unknown rate, the second, that<br />

they occur periodically with unknown phase, period and probability. The two models<br />

are compared in a Bayesian framework using Monte Carlo methods. Finally, we<br />

assess the likelihood of the purported 1450 year period with regards to the second<br />

model.<br />

Abstracts 100

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