Systematic Theology, by Louis Berkhof - New Leaven

Systematic Theology, by Louis Berkhof - New Leaven

Systematic Theology, by Louis Berkhof - New Leaven


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salvation. More briefly it may be said to be God’s eternal purpose to save some of the<br />

human race in and <strong>by</strong> Jesus Christ.<br />

b. The characteristics of election. The characteristics of election are identical with the<br />

characteristics of the decrees in general. The decree of election: (1) Is an expression of the<br />

sovereign will of God, His divine good pleasure. This means among other things that Christ<br />

as Mediator is not the impelling, moving, or meritorious cause of election, as some have<br />

asserted. He may be called the mediate cause of the realization of election, and the<br />

meritorious cause of the salvation unto which believers are elected, but He is not the<br />

moving or meritorious cause of election itself. This is impossible, since He is Himself an<br />

object of predestination and election, and because, when He took His mediatorial work<br />

upon Him in the Counsel of Redemption, there was already a fixed number that was<br />

given unto Him. Election logically precedes the Counsel of Peace. The elective love of<br />

God precedes the sending of the Son, John 3:16; Rom. 5:8; II Tim. 1:9; I John 4:9. By<br />

saying that the decree of election originates in the divine good pleasure the idea is also<br />

excluded that it is determined <strong>by</strong> anything in man, such as foreseen faith or good<br />

works, Rom. 9:11; II Tim. 1:9. (2) It is immutable, and therefore renders the salvation of the<br />

elect certain. God realizes the decree of election <strong>by</strong> His own efficiency, <strong>by</strong> the saving<br />

work which He accomplishes in Jesus Christ. It is His purpose that certain individuals<br />

should believe and persevere unto the end, and He secures this result <strong>by</strong> the objective<br />

work of Christ and the subjective operations of the Holy Spirit, Rom. 8:29,30; 11:29; II<br />

Tim. 2:19. It is the firm foundation of God which standeth, “having this seal, The Lord<br />

knoweth them that are His.” And as such it is the source of rich comfort for all believers.<br />

Their final salvation does not depend on their uncertain obedience, but has its<br />

guarantee in the unchangeable purpose of God. (3) It is eternal, that is, from eternity. This<br />

divine election should never be identified with any temporal selection, whether it be for<br />

the enjoyment of the special grace of God in this life, for special privileges and<br />

responsible services, or for the inheritance of glory hereafter, but must be regarded as<br />

eternal, Rom. 8:29,30; Eph. 1:4,5. (4) It is unconditional. Election does not in any way<br />

depend on the foreseen faith or good works of man, as the Arminians teach, but<br />

exclusively on the sovereign good pleasure of God, who is also the originator of faith<br />

and good works, Rom. 9:11; Acts 13:48; II Tim. 1:9; I Pet. 1:2. Since all men are sinners<br />

and have forfeited the blessings of God, there is no basis for such a distinction in them;<br />

and since even the faith and good works of the believers are the fruit of the grace of<br />

God, Eph. 2:8,10; II Tim. 2:21, even these, as foreseen <strong>by</strong> God, could not furnish such a<br />

basis. (5) It is irresistible. This does not mean that man cannot oppose its execution to a<br />

certain degree, but it does mean that his opposition will not prevail. Neither does it<br />


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