Systematic Theology, by Louis Berkhof - New Leaven

Systematic Theology, by Louis Berkhof - New Leaven

Systematic Theology, by Louis Berkhof - New Leaven


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choose an end destined to fail wholly or in part, Job 23:13. Yet many of His creatures<br />

never attain to perfect happiness.<br />

c. Objections to the doctrine that the glory of God is the end of creation. The following are<br />

the most important of these: (1) It makes the scheme of the universe a selfish scheme. But we<br />

should distinguish between selfishness and reasonable self-regard or self-love. The<br />

former is an undue or exclusive care for one’s own comfort or pleasure, regardless of<br />

the happiness or rights of others; the latter is a due care for one’s own happiness and<br />

well-being, which is perfectly compatible with justice, generosity, and benevolence<br />

towards others. In seeking self-expression for the glory of His name, God did not<br />

disregard the well-being, the highest good of others, but promoted it. Moreover, this<br />

objection draws the infinite God down to the level of finite and even sinful man and<br />

judges Him <strong>by</strong> human standards, which is entirely unwarranted. God has no equal, and<br />

no one can claim any right as over against Him. In making His declarative glory the end<br />

of creation, He has chosen the highest end; but when man makes himself the end of all<br />

his works, he is not choosing the highest end. He would rise to a higher level, if he<br />

chose the welfare of humanity and the glory of God as the end of his life. Finally, this<br />

objection is made primarily in view of the fact that the world is full of suffering, and<br />

that some of God’s rational creatures are doomed to eternal destruction. But this is not<br />

due to the creative work of God, but to the sin of man, which thwarted the work of God<br />

in creation. The fact that man suffers the consequences of sin and insurrection does not<br />

warrant anyone in accusing God of selfishness. One might as well accuse the<br />

government of selfishness for upholding its dignity and the majesty of the law against<br />

all wilful transgressors. (2) It is contrary to God’s self-sufficiency and independence. By<br />

seeking His honour in this way God shows that He needs the creature. The world is<br />

created to glorify God, that is, to add to His glory. Evidently, then, His perfection is<br />

wanting in some respects; the work of creation satisfies a want and contributes to the<br />

divine perfection. But this representation is not correct. The fact that God created the<br />

world for His own glory does not mean that He needed the world. It does not hold<br />

universally among men, that the work which they do not perform for others, is<br />

necessary to supply a want. This may hold in the case of the common laborer, who is<br />

working for his daily bread, but is scarcely true of the artist, who follows the<br />

spontaneous impulse of his genius. In the same way there is a good pleasure in God,<br />

exalted far above want and compulsion, which artistically embodies His thoughts in<br />

creation and finds delight in them. Moreover, it is not true that, when God makes His<br />

declarative glory the final end of creation, He aims primarily at receiving something.<br />

The supreme end which He had in view, was not to receive glory, but to manifest His<br />


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