Systematic Theology, by Louis Berkhof - New Leaven

Systematic Theology, by Louis Berkhof - New Leaven

Systematic Theology, by Louis Berkhof - New Leaven


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Ames, The Psychology of Religious Experience, <strong>New</strong> York, 1910.<br />

Bavinck, Roeping en Wedergeboorte, Kampen, 1903; id., De Zekerheid des Geloofs, Kampen,<br />

1901; ibid., Algemeene Genade, Kampen, 1894.<br />

<strong>Berkhof</strong>, The Assurance of Faith, Grand Rapids, 1928.<br />

Brinkman, De Gerechtigheid Gods bij Paulus, Rotterdam, 1916.<br />

Broomall, The Holy Spirit, <strong>New</strong> York, 1940.<br />

Buchanan, The Doctrine of Justification, Edinburgh, 1867.<br />

Camfield, Revelation and the Holy Spirit, <strong>New</strong> York, 1934.<br />

Candlish, The Work of the Holy Spirit, Edinburgh.<br />

Comrie, Heidelbergsche Catechismus, Zondagen 1-7 [Faith], Amsterdam, 1753; id., Het A B<br />

C des Geloofs, Sneek, 1860.<br />

Davies, Treatise on Justification, Cincinnati, 1875.<br />

Dee, Het Geloofsbegrip van Calvijn, Kampen, 1918.<br />

Firey, Infant Salvation, <strong>New</strong> York, 1902.<br />

Flew, The Idea of Perfection in Christian <strong>Theology</strong>, London, 1934.<br />

Gennrich, Die Lehre von der Wiedergeburt, Leipzig, 1907.<br />

Girardeau, Discussion of Theological Questions [Adoption], Richmond, Va., 1905; id.,<br />

Calvinism and Evangelical Arminianism [Justification], Columbia, S. C., 1890.<br />

Gore, The Holy Spirit and the Church, <strong>New</strong> York, 1924.<br />

Gunkel, Die Wirkungen des Heiligen Geistes, Goettingen, 1899.<br />

Hoffmann, Die Lehre von der Fides Implicita, Leipzig, 1903.<br />

Hoyle, The Holy Spirit in St. Paul, London, 1927.<br />

Impeta, De Leer der Heiliging en Volmaking bij Wesley en Fletcher, Leiden, 1913.<br />

Inge, Faith and Its Psychology, <strong>New</strong> York, 1910.<br />

James, Varieties of Religious Experience, <strong>New</strong> York, 1902.<br />

Kerswill, The Old Testament Doctrine of Salvation, Philadelphia, 1904.<br />

Koeberle, The Quest for Holiness, <strong>New</strong> York, 1936.<br />


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