Systematic Theology, by Louis Berkhof - New Leaven

Systematic Theology, by Louis Berkhof - New Leaven

Systematic Theology, by Louis Berkhof - New Leaven


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though He repented of it. This is a general statement, though in the connection in which<br />

it is found it refers to the calling of Israel. The apostle comforts the believing Philippians<br />

with the words: “Being confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in<br />

you will perfect it unto the day of Jesus Christ,” Phil. 1:6. In II Thess. 3:3 he says: “But<br />

the Lord is faithful, who shall establish you, and guard you from the evil one.” In II<br />

Tim. 1:12 he sounds a note of rejoicing: “For I know Him whom I have believed, and I<br />

am persuaded that He is able to guard that which I have committed unto Him against<br />

that day.” And in 4:18 of the same Epistle he glories in the fact that the Lord will deliver<br />

him from every evil work and will save him unto His heavenly kingdom.<br />

2. INFERENTIAL PROOFS. The doctrine of perseverance may also be proved in an<br />

inferential way.<br />

a. From the doctrine of election. Election does not merely mean that some will be<br />

favored with certain external privileges and may be saved, if they do their duty, but that<br />

they who belong to the number of the elect shall finally be saved and can never fall<br />

short of perfect salvation. It is an election unto an end, that is, unto salvation. In<br />

working it out God endows believers with such influences of the Holy Spirit as to lead<br />

them, not only to accept Christ, but to persevere unto the end and to be saved unto the<br />

uttermost.<br />

b. From the doctrine of the covenant of redemption. In the covenant of redemption God<br />

gave His people to His Son as the reward for the latter’s obedience and suffering. This<br />

reward was fixed from eternity and was not left contingent on any uncertain<br />

faithfulness of man. God does not go back on His promise, and therefore it is impossible<br />

that they who are reckoned as being in Christ, and as forming a part of His reward, can<br />

be separated from Him (Rom. 8:38,39), and that they who have entered the covenant as<br />

a communion of life should fall out.<br />

c. From the efficacy of the merits and intercession of Christ. In His atoning work Christ<br />

paid the price to purchase the sinner’s pardon and acceptance. His righteousness<br />

constitutes the perfect ground for the justification of the sinner, and it is impossible that<br />

one who is justified <strong>by</strong> the payment of such a perfect and efficacious price should again<br />

fall under condemnation. Moreover, Christ makes constant intercession for those who<br />

are given Him of the Father, and His intercessory prayer for His people is always<br />

efficacious, John 11:42; Heb. 7:25.<br />

d. From the mystical union with Christ. They who are united to Christ <strong>by</strong> faith become<br />

partakers of His Spirit, and thus become one body with Him, pulsating with the life of<br />

the Spirit. They share in the life of Christ, and because He lives they live also. It is<br />


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