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in a single place was splendid in 1895», but one must recognise<br />

«that there has been a progression of ideas and to-day<br />

federation replaces the local individualism* of other times. Moreover,<br />

the information service at the Palais Mondial based on<br />

the centralised RBU continued to leave a great deal to be<br />

desired. So bad had it become, they felt obliged to point out<br />

that «there is considerable general dissatisfaction about the<br />

replies received (or not received) when written requests for<br />

documentation are made to the Palais Mondial». They concluded<br />

that it was «undesirable that the Institute should encourage<br />

the use of this center». Nor would they include in their<br />

report vague and elevated expressions about the role and success<br />

of the Institute as Otlet had desired. «Up till now wehave<br />

not observed that real enthusiasm with which the 'whole<br />

world' has greeted the great idea of organising international<br />

co-operation for documentation.» The opposite was the case, in<br />

fact. «The Institute is regarded with great reserve throughout<br />

the whole world. That is why it is necessary to give a clear<br />

and objective account of the state of the institution without<br />

exaggeration or lies». It was because of the «cold accounts<br />

they believed, provided by Pollard and Donker Duyvis that ties<br />

with the League Committee of Library Experts had been<br />

established in 1930. 82<br />

When Otlet read these comments, he wrote to Alingh<br />

Prins that neither he nor La Fontaine would sign the report.<br />

«We believe», he said, «that the RBU and the International<br />

Center equipped for common collections and services constitute<br />

an essential part of the whole work». Otlet reminded his<br />

Dutch colleague that some time earlier he had asked Donker<br />

Duyvic «clearly and frankly» when the latter was on one of<br />

his visits to Brussels «do you or don't you want our whole<br />

program? He replied Yes and that is why until now<br />

we have not sought public explanations». 83 The Dutch<br />

replied placatingly. The differences, they believed, that had<br />

occurred between them and the Belgians arose only «when it<br />

becomes a matter of the execution* of the whole IID program<br />

as laid down in the Statutes. They explained again their<br />

view of what the RBU should be like:<br />

In our opinion a localised Universal Bibliographic Repertory in a<br />

single place has only a small value (practice proves this, moreover)<br />

and we prefer a solution which is really universal and international:<br />

the Federalised Universal Bibliographic Repertory. As far as the international<br />

center is concerned, we are equally of the opinion that it<br />

should limit itself to the work of co-ordination. 84<br />

There matters rested until the end of November when<br />

Alingh Prins wrote to Otlet and La Fontaine about translation<br />

rights and royalties from the publication of the Universal Decimal<br />

Classification about which there had been some earlier<br />

3 34

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