Erasmus ECTS Information Package

Erasmus ECTS Information Package

Erasmus ECTS Information Package


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<strong>Erasmus</strong> <strong>ECTS</strong> <strong>Information</strong> <strong>Package</strong><br />

Faculty of EEEA<br />

3067 Discrete Structures and Modelling<br />

<strong>ECTS</strong> credits: 6<br />

Weekly classes: 2lec+0sem+0labs+2ps+2cw<br />

Assessment: exam<br />

Type of exam: test<br />

Departments involved:<br />

Department of Computing<br />

Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Automation<br />

Lecturer:<br />

Assoc. Prof. Irina Ilieva Zheliazkova, MEng, PhD, Dept. of Computing, tel.: 888 744,<br />

E-mail: Irina@ecs.uni-ruse.bg<br />

Abstract:<br />

The course gives theoretical knowledge and practical skills for modelling with systems of equations, graphs, sets,<br />

graphs, Petri nets, Markov chains, image recognition for analysis, synthesis, and optimization of complex systems.<br />

Course prerequisites include Advanced mathematics 3, Programming and Computer Applications, Synthesis and<br />

analysis of algorithms and is linked to Software engineering, Programming languages, and the work projects.<br />

Course content:<br />

Physical modelling with systems of equations. Data modelling with sets. Structural modelling with graphs.<br />

Behaviour modelling with Petri nets. Probability modelling with Markov chains. Modelling image recognition.<br />

Teaching and assessment:<br />

The lecture material for the separated mathematical apparatus includes: definitions, types, properties, setting,<br />

algorithms and methodology for modelling. Practical exercises are reduced to the acquisition of algorithms for<br />

solving different types of problems with different tools. The results from each exercise for each student are<br />

assessed by the assistant. Course work includes implementation of a program for modelling using one of the types<br />

of sets, or one of the image recognition methods. The final assessment of the course is formed as an average of<br />

the practical exercises, course work, and a test on the lecture material marks.<br />

3068 Object-oriented programming<br />

<strong>ECTS</strong> credits: 5<br />

Weekly classes: 2lec+0sem+0labs+2ps+1ca<br />

Assessment: exam<br />

Type of exam: written and oral<br />

Department involved:<br />

Department of Computing<br />

Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Automation<br />

Lecturers:<br />

Assoc. Prof. Milko Todorov Marinov, MEng, PhD, Dept. of Computing, tel.: 888 356,<br />

E-mail: mmarinov@ecs.uni-ruse.bg<br />

Assoc. Prof. Svetlana Petrova Stefanova, MEng, PhD, Dept. of Computing, tel.: 888 356,<br />

E-mail: sstefanova@ecs.uni-ruse.bg<br />

Principal Assistant Julia Stoyanova Zlateva, MEng, Dept. of Computing, tel.: 888 681,<br />

E-mail: JZlateva@ecs.uni-ruse.bg<br />

Abstract:<br />

The course objective is for the students to familiarise themselves and to practically assimilate the methodology of<br />

object-oriented programming (OOP) as a basis of many modern languages and systems for developing computer<br />

applications. The course focuses on the practical application of the approach by using universal library functions<br />

as well as developing own functions.<br />

Course content:<br />

Introduction to OOP. Classes and objects – definitions. Constructors and destructors. Data members. Member<br />

functions. Overloaded functions. Inheritance. Multiple inheritance. Virtual classes. Virtual functions. Polymorphism.<br />

Template class library. Working with streams.<br />

Teaching and assessment:<br />

The lecture topics give the main theoretic aspects of the problems. The practice sessions and course work classes<br />

are conducted in a computer lab. The students have to independently solve, encode and test with the aid of a<br />

specific programming environment elements of given problems. Each student is assigned an individual task, which<br />

they have to complete by the end of the semester. The final mark is a weighted average of four marks: activity<br />

during practice sessions, implementation of the individual task, written report and final exam.<br />


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