Chapter 1 - San Diego Housing Commission

Chapter 1 - San Diego Housing Commission

Chapter 1 - San Diego Housing Commission


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<strong>Chapter</strong> 14 – Self-Sufficiency Action Plan<br />

4. Escrow Accounts<br />

As incentive for families to join the FSS Program, and as a strategy to assist families in building<br />

assets, HUD regulations allow an escrow account to be established on behalf of eligible families.<br />

Eligibility for an escrow account is determined according to a HUD-defined formula using the<br />

family's income data.<br />

As the family's earned income increases and the household rent increases, the FSS Program Analyst<br />

will determine escrow eligibility according to the HUD formula. If the family is eligible for an escrow<br />

account, the FSS Program Analyst will then determine the amount of escrow credits, as appropriate,<br />

on behalf of the participant (in accordance with 24 Code of Federal Regulations 984.304). Escrow<br />

funds are held in the participant's name until requirements for final withdrawals have been met by<br />

the participant.<br />

SHDC may permit FSS participants to make interim withdrawals from the escrow accounts<br />

established on their behalf in order to remove barriers related to the completion of their Career<br />

Plan. The criteria under which FSS participants may make interim withdrawals are defined in Section<br />

F - Support Services.<br />

Participants with balances in an escrow account established by the SDHC on their behalf may apply<br />

for a final withdrawal of funds if the terms of their Contract have been met prior to its expiration<br />

and the participant has:<br />

- Completed the steps in their Career Plan; and<br />

- Provided verification that he or she is employed, and the combined total number of hours<br />

worked per week for the household is at least 32 hours; and<br />

- Certified that all members of the household have not received welfare assistance for 12<br />

consecutive months prior to the Contract end date; OR<br />

- Thirty percent (30%) of the family's monthly-adjusted income is equal to or greater than the<br />

fair market rate for the bedroom size they are eligible for, and the family has certified that no<br />

one is receiving welfare assistance.<br />

5. Career Planning and Personal Development Workshop<br />

The Family Self-Sufficiency Career Planning and Personal Development Workshops are designed<br />

specifically for program participants and facilitated by FSS staff and qualified partners. The topics<br />

covered in the Workshop may include, but are not limited to:<br />

- Skills Inventory<br />

- Values, Attitudes, and Interests Identification<br />

- Goal-Setting and Decision-Making<br />

- Demand Occupations<br />

- Time Management<br />

- Resource Identification<br />

- Career Planning<br />

- Credit and Budgeting<br />


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