Chapter 1 - San Diego Housing Commission

Chapter 1 - San Diego Housing Commission

Chapter 1 - San Diego Housing Commission


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<strong>Chapter</strong> 8 – Annual Reexaminations and Interim Adjustments<br />

[24 CFR Part 982, Subpart I & K]<br />

- All interim rent reductions will be temporary. After receiving a rent decrease, a family<br />

becomes obligated to report any new income within ten (10) days. A follow-up interim will be<br />

conducted to include the new income. The increase will be implemented after providing the<br />

family with 30 days notice of the increase.<br />

Note: When an individual family member reports a loss of income, replacement income is<br />

any income the family receives. For example, the family reports the loss of the welfare grant<br />

because a family member started a job; the income from their job is considered replacement<br />

income. A decrease in the share of the rent will only occur if the replacement income is less<br />

than the amount of income that was lost; the family is eligible for a decrease under the<br />

requirements of the interim policy.<br />

3. Hardship Policy for Moving Forward Decrease of Income Interims<br />

To be considered for a hardship exemption the participant household must demonstrate that it is<br />

experiencing a financial hardship due to an unexpected or unprecedented economic burden on the<br />

family.<br />

At any time between required annual recertification and after one interim reduction in rent, a family<br />

may submit a written request for an exemption to the interim rent reduction policy.<br />

A household must meet the following two requirements in order to receive a hardship exemption:<br />

1. The participant household must provide proof it is unable to continue to pay the current rent<br />

share because of a financial hardship, including:<br />

- The family’s income has decreased because of loss of employment through no fault of the<br />

family and the family demonstrates efforts towards regaining employment;<br />

- A death has occurred in the family which eliminates a prior source of income; or<br />

- Other circumstances determined to warrant an exemption by SDHC.<br />

2. The qualifying financial hardship must be long-term (a minimum of four months).<br />

- Until the request for a hardship exemption is reviewed and approved by the SDHC, the<br />

participating household is expected to continue to pay the portion of rent and utilities as<br />

previously determined by the SDHC.<br />

The family is required to abide by all other requirements of the program and failure to do so is<br />

grounds for termination.<br />

If Approved, the interim adjustment to the rent portion will be processed effective the first of the<br />

month following the hardship approval.<br />


The owner’s approval is required prior to adding an adult member(s). SDHC approval is required to add<br />

other family members, foster children, or live-in aide prior to moving into the assisted unit.<br />

Staff will only verify the income, deductions, and allowances of the person being added.<br />

If a household member is removed, the head of household’s signature on the Personal Declaration will<br />

be sufficient verification to certify, under penalty of perjury, that the person has moved from the unit.<br />


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