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August 26, 1914.<br />


Inthe Sabbath School<br />

September 13, 1914.<br />

Lesson XI.<br />


Bv the Rev. Owen F. Thompson<br />

Golden Text.—Watch therefore, for ye know<br />

nnt the day nor the hour. Matt. 25:13.<br />

" Lesson Text.-Matthew 25:1-13. .<br />

Time-April, A, D, 30. Place.-Olivet.<br />

suitable Psalms,-2, 45, 118:14, 24.<br />

ExDOSition,-<strong>The</strong> firstlesson from e passage<br />

is that every member of the kingdom is supposed<br />

n be carrying a lamp, Christ always took that<br />

or granted. "He said. Ye are the light of the<br />

world Again, Let your light so shme before<br />

men that they may see your good works <strong>and</strong><br />

"lorify your father which is in heaven. Worship<br />

<strong>and</strong> service are the two things that ought to fill<br />

nn everv Christian's life,<br />

Christ said As long as I am in the world I am<br />

the light of the world, but before he left he told<br />

his people that they must carry the light that<br />

he had kindled within them from his burning<br />

flame It is like lighting out torches from the<br />

sacred flame that never goes out. He tells us<br />

to take the flame <strong>and</strong> give light to others <strong>and</strong><br />

the more we reach <strong>and</strong> the faster we go the<br />

brighter it grows.<br />

If your clothes catch flre <strong>and</strong> you run, you are<br />

liable to burn to death, for the flame is fanned<br />

<strong>and</strong> burns fiercely. It is the same way with a<br />

Christian, <strong>The</strong> more he travels <strong>and</strong> the faster<br />

he goes with his burning light that Christ has<br />

kindled, the brighter it grows, but he himself is<br />

not consumed by it. <strong>The</strong> light of his own<br />

soul on flreserves him like the light of the flre<br />

fly shows it the way in the night.<br />

<strong>The</strong> next lesson is in the fact that the virgins<br />

carried their lamps when they went forth to<br />

meet the bridegroom.<br />

<strong>The</strong> bridegroom is Christ. We are the ten virgins.<br />

<strong>The</strong> light of Christ is shining within us if<br />

we are true Christians, He wants us to take that<br />

light to others but he <strong>also</strong> wants us to come <strong>and</strong><br />

worship. Our lives are to be filledwith worship<br />

<strong>and</strong> service. We ought to have a bright light<br />

for worship as well as for service.<br />

We ought to have our light ot faith burning<br />

brightly when we come to worship. Worship does<br />

not mean much unless we believe that the one<br />

we worship is deserving of it. In many countries<br />

the heathen people still go to their temples to<br />

worship <strong>and</strong> sacrifice but they have lost a good<br />

part or all of their faith. <strong>The</strong>y go because they<br />

have been taught to go through the forms. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

do not think there is anything real in the worship.<br />

<strong>The</strong>n there is the light of love that we ought<br />

to have burning when we come to worship God.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are some peoples in the world who worship<br />

devils. <strong>The</strong>y worship through fear <strong>and</strong> not love.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y really believe in the God that they worship<br />

but they worship because they think that is the<br />

way to keep the evil spirit from doing them harm.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y do not worship because they love their God<br />

<strong>and</strong> want to meet with him.<br />

We ought to come to worship in love. We do<br />

sometimes worship from a sense of duty or<br />

through fear, hut the highest kind of worship is<br />

performed through love <strong>and</strong> a desire for communion<br />

with God.<br />

<strong>The</strong>n we ought to have the lamp of purity burning<br />

when we come to worship. In Exodus the<br />

twenty-flfth chapter <strong>and</strong> fortieth verse, Moses<br />

was told, "And look that thou make them after<br />

the pattern, which was showed thee in the<br />

mount."<br />

God has provided a certain means <strong>and</strong> manner<br />

of worship <strong>and</strong> certain matter with which<br />

we are to worship him. He will have his people<br />

use what he has given <strong>and</strong> use it according to<br />

his directions. This brings in our distinctive<br />

principles such as Psalm singing, worshipping<br />

without the instrument <strong>and</strong> all the other things<br />

known out that or virgins. in company Waiting to wick bridegroom nope It <strong>The</strong> Christ. take trom it. was are to of next by a It for them. their not a wise of vessel deceived It all very came. lesson his the directed wisdom lamps was thing they It coming. of bridegroom wise a madr<br />

<strong>The</strong> oil along wise others passed to so <strong>and</strong> to from thing with make lamp be thing them with would <strong>and</strong> used as them for a was foolishness for them. profession feel belonging oil was burn that to all no safe like pour five <strong>The</strong>y good they .when worship. but a virgins of to on lamps with­<br />

false<br />

were the faith<br />

left<br />

them in the dark when the time came for their<br />

light to shine.<br />

It was a very foolish thing for the other five<br />

virgins to go without the vessel of oil. It showed<br />

that they were expecting something to happen<br />

that never could. <strong>The</strong>y were resting on a<br />

false hope. <strong>The</strong>y were like the people who do<br />

not worry about the future because they say<br />

that God is too good to punish sin eternally.<br />

A professing Christian ought, by all means, to<br />

have his lamp fllledwith the Spirit of Christ, By<br />

that [Spirit he gives light. It is a wise Christian<br />

who keeps in constant contact with Christ. You<br />

get the supply from him.<br />

It is a very foolish Christian who f<strong>org</strong>ets all<br />

about Christ, the source of supply, <strong>and</strong> goes to<br />

sleep spiritually. He wakens up some time to<br />

find that his light is out or sputtering <strong>and</strong><br />

that he is far from the source of supply. He is<br />

far from Christ <strong>and</strong> he has need of the light at<br />

once. Keep your vessel fllled <strong>and</strong> you will give<br />

light to all about you.<br />

<strong>The</strong> next lesson is from the call to go out <strong>and</strong><br />

meet the bridegroom. <strong>The</strong> call here was to go<br />

out <strong>and</strong> meet the bridegroom as he came along<br />

the street with the company to the wedding feast.<br />

<strong>The</strong> call to us is to go out <strong>and</strong> meet Christ, but<br />

to meet him in other ways than that.<br />

We can go out to meet him in our fellow men.<br />

If you thought of it as meeting Christ himself,<br />

every time you met any person about you, would<br />

it make any difference in the treatment you gave<br />

them<br />

You can go out <strong>and</strong> meet with Christ in service.<br />

Christ is always with those who are doing<br />

his work, for he said as he sent them out to<br />

bring the world to him, Lo, I am with you always<br />

all sorts of chains <strong>and</strong> 'bracelets <strong>and</strong> pins—all<br />

her fortune. We will tie these bead chains <strong>and</strong><br />

gold cords around this stick for the bride.<br />

This second box is the home of the bridegroom's<br />

parents where the wedding feast is to he.<br />

<strong>The</strong> bridegroom has not yet come home. <strong>The</strong><br />

bride is here now with her friends <strong>and</strong> a number<br />

of wedding guests. All is ready waiting for the<br />

bridegroom.<br />

Here come ten young girls to meet the bridegroom,<br />

each carrying a lamp. <strong>The</strong>''r lamps are<br />

strange to us—more like bowls with a h<strong>and</strong>le at<br />

one side <strong>and</strong> a spout at the other. We will use<br />

these little bowls <strong>and</strong> cloth wicks. <strong>The</strong>y probably<br />

burn olive oil. Five of the girls—we will<br />

call them virgins—are wise. <strong>The</strong>y are always prepared.<br />

Would one of these lamps burn many<br />

hours, Buster "Maybe two," So these careful<br />

virgins say, "We will carry extra oil so we will<br />

be ready if our lamps burn out," But the foolish<br />

virgins are careless. <strong>The</strong>y are too busy thinking<br />

about clothes <strong>and</strong> fun to prepare. Maybe they<br />

think, "Oh, we can borrow if our lamps burn out.<br />

vVe wont bother getting ready now. Time enough<br />

when we need the oil." So they come along<br />

-with their burning lamps but no extra oil. All<br />

ten virgins have lamps, all burning <strong>and</strong> giving<br />

light. All ten are happy <strong>and</strong> waiting for the<br />

bridegroom. No one can tell the difference just<br />

now between the wise <strong>and</strong> the foolish. But wait<br />

till their lamps burn out.<br />

Some folks say they are God's children. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

go to church with God's children <strong>and</strong> sing <strong>and</strong><br />

pray, give to the poor, are kind <strong>and</strong> seem to do<br />

good, <strong>and</strong> are so much like God's children on the<br />

outside that we all think they really are.<br />

But they are like the foolish virgins, they<br />

do not prepare for death. <strong>The</strong>y do not<br />

even unto the end of the world. Christ has no<br />

time to fool away. He says, I must be about my give their hearts to Jesus nor love him. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

Father's busmess. If you are in the same business<br />

say, "I am good enough. I am as good as those<br />

you will always find him on the job <strong>and</strong> who do love Jesus <strong>and</strong> do as much good. No one<br />

ready to be a good companion while you work together.<br />

You meet with Christ in his word. You will<br />

meet with Christ very often as you go through<br />

the Bible, Even in the book of Psalms you find<br />

him everywhere, although many think that a new<br />

book is necessary because Christ is not found in<br />

the Psalms enough to satisfy us of the New Testament<br />

times <strong>and</strong> new enlightenment.<br />

can tell the difference." But if they do not love<br />

Jesus <strong>and</strong> give him their heart, are they good<br />

enough Ellis "No."<br />

<strong>The</strong> ten virgins wait for the bridegroom too,<br />

with their lamps burning. He is long in coming,<br />

so they fall asleep.<br />

<strong>The</strong> bridegroom <strong>and</strong> his friends are having a<br />

good time in this house at this end of the city.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se clothespins are for the men. <strong>The</strong>se friends<br />

You meet with Christ in prayer. He says for of the bridegroom will go with him to the marriage.<br />

Late at night, almost midnight, the bride­<br />

us to come unto him <strong>and</strong> to follow him <strong>and</strong> one<br />

of the best things about Christ is the companionship<br />

that we enjoy as we go along the way together.<br />

You meet with Christ at the communion table.<br />

groom rises to go. So the young men form into<br />

line, <strong>and</strong> the procession starts, each carrying a<br />

torch. Did you ever see a parade at night, Elmer<br />

This one would be worth seeing, with its torch<br />

This is a special way that we can come to him lights <strong>and</strong> music. <strong>The</strong> neighbors look doWn from<br />

<strong>and</strong> we ought to be preparing all the time for<br />

that meeting. It is a great privilege.<br />

the housetops as the men move along, <strong>and</strong> the<br />

women cry out on the still night air, "Behold, the<br />

We go to meet with the Lord <strong>and</strong> Master when bridegroom cometh Go ye out to meet him," the<br />

our work is done here on earth <strong>and</strong> we go to guests join the procession, but always carrying<br />

be in the Father's house. Christ is the elder a light.<br />

brother in that home. Are you preparing to greet<br />

him there<br />

Suddenly at midnight, those in the bridegroom's<br />

home hear the cry, "Behold, the bridegroom cometh;<br />

go ye out to meet him," <strong>The</strong> next lesson is from the words "And the<br />

All the virgins<br />

door was shut." <strong>The</strong>se words were spoken particularly<br />

quickly awake <strong>and</strong> trim their lamps. <strong>The</strong> wise vir­<br />

Lesson XI. about the ones who had Sept. just gone 13, 1914. in. gins fill their lamps <strong>and</strong> they are burning bright<br />

It had an LESSON effect on FOR others THE who CHILDREN.<br />

might come after<br />

but all who By vvere Anna there Pritchard went in Ge<strong>org</strong>e. <strong>and</strong> the door was<br />

shut on them. THE <strong>The</strong> TEN closed VIRGINS. door shut out Satan<br />

<strong>and</strong> his angels. Matthew It shut out 25:1-13. unrepentant sinners.<br />

It Ruth, shut out did sin. your It mother shut ever out the prepare suffering for <strong>and</strong> company<br />

sorrow who <strong>and</strong> did darkness not come, <strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> wrong then of this the very world day of<br />

sin. she was Heaven's not ready closed at door all, they shuts walked us in with in all Today the<br />

joy we will that see heaven how has five for foolish God's girls people. missed a wedding<br />

ly. But the foolish virgins who would not prepare,<br />

have no oil <strong>and</strong> their lamps are gone out.<br />

You can tell the wise from the foolish now. "Give<br />

us of your oil," they beg. But the wise have only<br />

enough oil to keep their own lamps burning, "Go<br />

to them that sell, <strong>and</strong> buy for yourselves." <strong>The</strong>y<br />

hurry away now to buy oil, only those with<br />

lighted lamps may enter into the wedding. But<br />

<strong>The</strong> just Christian's because life they is were to be careless a life of <strong>and</strong> constant did not while the foolish virgins are away, "the bride­<br />

prepare. watchfulness. We are to watch that no opportunity<br />

It for is evening. service be This passed box by. on We the s<strong>and</strong> are to table watch is<br />

groom came; <strong>and</strong> they that were ready went in<br />

with him to the marriage; <strong>and</strong> the door was<br />

that the home we are of in the constant bride. readiness <strong>The</strong>se sticks to leave are the the shut,"<br />

world bride <strong>and</strong> her the girl joy friends. of his presence Do brides here dress <strong>and</strong> go well, to Now when it is too late, the foolish virgins return<br />

be Helen with him "In there, best which they is far have," better. <strong>The</strong>se girls<br />

clothe this bride in white <strong>and</strong> cover her with<br />

with burning lamps. "Lord, Lord, open to<br />

us." But the bridegroom answers, "Verily I say<br />

unto you, I know you not." Too late now to prepare.<br />

Did it pay for the wise virgins to be prepared,<br />

ding." was take time." hard, Yes, be foolish hearts while know to Does Montclair, prepare God's coming, but us will not there Alvin burning <strong>The</strong>y And anyone virgins, away, those children the when if N. is but take did day who James with "Yes, time. J. know shut they not us finds death nor will have the right know they kept when out. "Watch, the find us "No, comes. just love into ready went when hour." We themselves Jesus been of heaven therefore, in must Jesus. <strong>and</strong> may Get is pretending to bridegroom<br />

loving coming ready. with come have the like Too for him wed­<br />

now any our the late<br />

to ye

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