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The Reformed Presbyterian Standard and also 0\ir ... - Rparchives.org

The Reformed Presbyterian Standard and also 0\ir ... - Rparchives.org


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August 26, 1914,<br />


11<br />

OAKDALE, Hi.<br />

home picnic will be held in Carson's<br />

Mrs. Jennie Davis <strong>and</strong> two daughters<br />

of Princeton, Indiana, spent congregational affair, but where the G E N E V A C O L L E G E<br />

Grove, August 27th. This is not a<br />

several days with her parents at this<br />

whole community meet, extend greetings,<br />

meet visitors that have come BEAVER FALLS, PA.<br />

place recently. Miss Jane Torrens is<br />

for the day, made easy by the train <strong>The</strong> one college under the legal control of the Covenanter Church <strong>and</strong><br />

maldng a visit with her brothers <strong>and</strong> service. Mr. Robert Luney <strong>and</strong> Jno, therefore unique. Among Covenanters it should have no competitors.<br />

friends near Glenwood, Minnesota. F. Carson, Sr., are spending the Particularly strong in the field of political <strong>and</strong> social science. Geneva<br />

Mrs. Samuel Torrens was guest of month with friends in or near Glenwood,<br />

has a timely message that ambitious students cannot afford to miss.<br />

Minnesota. <strong>The</strong> Christian En­<br />

Geneva is a college of liberal culture- She st<strong>and</strong>s for the broad <strong>and</strong><br />

her brother in the northern part of<br />

deavor Society elected the following liberal education that must underlie narrow, technical training.<br />

the state a few days. Mr. Wm. Coulter<br />

was appointed treasurer of the lard Carson; vice-president. Miss sisted the temptation to seek numbers at the expense of literary st<strong>and</strong>ing.<br />

officers for the year: President, Wil­<br />

Geneva's educational ideals are the highest She has constantly re­<br />

congregation at a recent meeting of Grace Torrens; recording secretary, Character is paramount. Knowledge <strong>and</strong> culture without Christian character<br />

are barren.. <strong>The</strong> college motto, "For Christ <strong>and</strong> Country," is stamped<br />

the Board of Deacons. A monthly Floyd Carson; corresponding secretary,<br />

Maude Boyd; treasurer, Kennedy upon Geneva diplomas <strong>and</strong> upon the hearts of Geneva's sons <strong>and</strong> daughters.<br />

prayer meeting for the congregation<br />

Auld. Miss Eva Murry will represent Beautiful location. Safe environment. Progressive spirit. Representative<br />

<strong>and</strong> growing attendance. Rates moderate <strong>and</strong> opportunities for self-<br />

will be held in the church the second<br />

the society in the Bible Reading Contest<br />

at the convention, the 19th of help abundant. A limited number of scholarships carrying free tuition<br />

Wednesday of each month, in the afternoon,<br />

at the suggestion of our pastor.<br />

August, <strong>and</strong> Miss Nannie Piper pre­<br />

available.<br />

Miss Mae Finley, of Sparta Conpare<br />

the paper. Convention to be For information address,<br />

gregation, was with us over Sabbath held in Princeton, Ind. A lecture<br />

W. HENRY GEORGE, President, Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania.<br />

course is being arranged for by the<br />

the second, <strong>and</strong> guest of her friend.<br />

Young People's Societies of the R. P.<br />

Miss Kate Carsons, a few days. J.<br />

<strong>and</strong> U. p. congregations for the coming<br />

winter, to be held alternately in<br />

Boyd Tweed,, pastor of First Beaver<br />

Falls Congregation, Penn,, is spending<br />

the churches.<br />

his vacation with his parents <strong>and</strong> Oakdale congregation are rejoic­<br />

other relatives, Mrs. J. M. Torrens ing over the leadership of their new<br />

pastor. Rev. W. O. Fergason, <strong>and</strong> on<br />

was called to Swanwick by the serious<br />

illness of her sister, Mrs. Ervin,<br />

July 22, a reception was held in the<br />

church for the new pastor <strong>and</strong> wife,<br />

who is a victim of paralysis. <strong>The</strong> in connection with the installation THE BEAUTY OF ITS SURROUNOINQS iS ONE OF THE CHIEF CHARMS OP THE<br />

date is fixed, September 2nd, for the services. Rev. H. G. Foster preached<br />

Woman's Presbyterial, of Illinois the sermon. Rev. D. C. Mathews gave HOTEL DEL PRADO. Chicagdli.<br />

Presbytery, meeting to be held here the charge to the pastor <strong>and</strong> Rev. Mc­ Situated on the MIDWAY BOULEVARD <strong>and</strong> Jackson Park, which overlooks Lake Michigran,<br />

Clurkin the charge to the people. <strong>The</strong> <strong>and</strong> adjoins Lhe Chicago University on the east. <strong>The</strong> most elegantly appointed, beautifully<br />

<strong>and</strong> arrangements completed at the<br />

session was represented by Mr. Robert<br />

Luney <strong>and</strong> Board of Deacons, by fully rest, free from the dirt <strong>and</strong> annoyance usually found in the downtown hotels. Trans-j.<br />

arranged Hotel in Chicago—he-re the Tourists, Transient <strong>and</strong> Permanent Guests may peace­<br />

August meeting of the L. M. S. <strong>The</strong><br />

following officers were elected in the Mr. John Piper, the Missionary portation, the Illinois Central Ry. (Time downtown 12 minutes.)<br />

•*"<br />

society for the year; President, Mrs. Society by Mrs. Jennie McClay, <strong>The</strong> house has a frontage of 700 feet; has 400 rooms with access to private bath.<br />

Will Carson; vice-president, Mrs. the Young People's Society by Melville<br />

Send for descriptive <strong>and</strong> illustrated booklet.<br />

Grace W. Furgason; secretary. Miss Carson, <strong>and</strong> the Sabbath School by<br />

Eva Murry; treasurer, Mrs. Lena Carson.<br />

Mrs, Will Carson, <strong>and</strong> the S. S. Supering<br />

Miss Elenor Auld is entertainintendent<br />

W. G. Adams,, all express­<br />

Miss Bessie <strong>and</strong> Grace Todd, of ing what they saw mirrored in all<br />

St Louis, Mrs. Rob'son <strong>and</strong> two faces <strong>and</strong> reflected from the heart—a<br />

children of St. Louis, spent most of welcome to the new pastor <strong>and</strong> wife.<br />

^ h e<br />

with her parents, Mr. Rev. <strong>and</strong> Mrs. Furgason both responded<br />

in a very pleasing way. <strong>The</strong>y are<br />

busy in the different departments of<br />

the church's work. A bountiful diner<br />

was served at the noon hour, .\fter<br />

the summer<br />

<strong>and</strong> Mrs. James McClay. Misses Ethel<br />

<strong>and</strong> Edna Kemps, spent a week in St.<br />

Louis, with relatives. This season<br />

has broken all records for drouth.<br />

in Oakdale, not a good soaking rain<br />

since April; spring crop <strong>and</strong> gardens<br />

a failure; the wheat crop was fair<br />

dinner speeches were made by Rev.<br />

Gardiner, the United Piesbyterian<br />

minister of the town, <strong>and</strong> R, K, Wisely,<br />

of Coulter Hill, <strong>and</strong> members from<br />

<strong>and</strong> will be needed to get through the<br />

winter—one of the exceptions in visiting 'congregations.<br />

Illinois. Farmers are busy fllling News of the death of Mrf. Moses<br />

alios, as that is the only way they<br />

think there will be any good gotten<br />

Keady was received by friends today,<br />

the Sth, <strong>and</strong> Mr. Keady sent for to<br />

out of corn crops. Mrs. Eula Wimberly<br />

give instructions what to do. She<br />

<strong>and</strong> little son, of New York was an inmate of the Hospital at<br />

City, is spending a month with her Anna, 111., for a year, <strong>and</strong> her death<br />

parents., Mr, <strong>and</strong> Mrs. J. T. Snyder, was not unexpected, as her health<br />

Of this place. Jlr. <strong>and</strong> Mrs. J. B. .had been gradually declining of late.<br />

Carson are the proud parents of a She is a member of the Oakdale Congregation.<br />

baby boy that came the morning of<br />

At this writing no ar­<br />

the Sth, to gra-ce their home. <strong>The</strong> rangements for the funeral have been<br />

friends at this place were saddened made.<br />


Nancy Kerr was born at Bloom<br />

by the news of the death of Mrs.<br />

McLean, of Princeton Congre,ation,<br />

who was formerly a member of Oakdale,<br />

<strong>and</strong> lived within its bounds. ington, Ind,, June 7, 1S42, <strong>and</strong> died '<br />

Chas. T. Carson spent a week at at Winchester, Kansas, August 12, ^<br />

home, after nis tOur of the west with 1914, She was married to Thomas<br />

the Geneva College Glee Club. Mr. Curry, September 3, 1860. Ten children<br />

were born to them, seven are<br />

<strong>and</strong> Mrs. John F. Carson, Jr,, <strong>and</strong><br />

little son, Lester, left for Minnesota, still living. She was a faithful servant<br />

of Christ <strong>and</strong> a devoted mem­<br />

where they expect to locate. Oakdale<br />

bas a,ain lost <strong>and</strong> Minnesota gained ber of the Winchester, Kansas, congregation.<br />

by this move. Our annual harvest<br />

Ocean Grove, N e w Jersey<br />

Coolest House on the Coast.<br />

Remodeled. Newly furnished. Wide nails, large<br />

sunshiny rooms. One block from thv- ocean. Two<br />

blocks from Auditorium.<br />

Capacity 350. Rooms with<br />

private baths added this seasoi.. Our dining-room<br />

service has always been our arawing card. <strong>The</strong> best<br />

of food <strong>and</strong> cooking always in seasonable varieties.<br />

Send for booklet. Special rates for season. Rooms<br />

without board, if you prefer; or rooms with breakfast<br />

only.<br />


Ocean Grove,<br />

New Jersey.

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