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July 1. 1914.<br />


i /-^^'-^ X T ***<strong>The</strong> Geneva College Glee Club gation, has just completed a short<br />

^^^ i^^^~^ £ ^ O t C S ^'^^''"•"y save a very successful con- visit to her father's home. <strong>The</strong> T. J. <strong>The</strong> Refonned <strong>Presbyterian</strong> Churcli<br />

^ '^^^^C!^^ cert at Oakdale, 111. <strong>The</strong>y received a Blackwood family, of Londonderry, haTing no publUhin house of its own, ita<br />

., „ A A a rousing welcome, as Oakdale is the have purchased an automobile <strong>and</strong> are members are advised to send their orders for<br />

..*0n June 19, Rev. A, A bamson j^^^^ ^^ ^^^ ,^^^^,^ ^^^.^^ secretary, now regular visitors at our Sabbath CatechismB, Lesson Helps, Church <strong>and</strong> Sabbath<br />

School Supplies of every description to<br />

moderated a call at Bovmaw. 1 ^^ ^^^^^^^ ^ ^^^^^^_ ^^^^^ ^^^ worship, Mr. Thomas Stewart <strong>also</strong><br />

rtich resulted in the unanimous elec- ^lub was <strong>also</strong> billed for Coulterville has forsaken tho Jehu b<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> now<br />

Witienpoon CDe presbpterian Publication Board .rwofib<br />

li^, of Licentiate Thomas E, Graham. ^^^ g^^^^^ ^^^^ audiences greet comes to church in a flre-wagon. Willinere<br />

are only 50 bound copies them everywhere, <strong>and</strong> people come ma Wilson, of Pittsiburg, is visiting<br />

BUe., Philadelphia<br />

Depo»itorie»<br />

W 'of "<strong>The</strong> Covenanter Pastor" on h<strong>and</strong>, from all the outlying districts, <strong>and</strong> ^ith her gr<strong>and</strong>parents, Mr, <strong>and</strong> Mrs,<br />

p„,rt an npge twelve how you can get are not disappointed. <strong>The</strong> local paper jesse Wilson. Miss Wilda Aikin has Delivered T ^ F R E E<br />

.c nothing, <strong>and</strong> postage says that at Oakdale the Club "made been seriously ill, but is slowly rea<br />

hit.' So say all the papers wherever covering, Dr, R, J, G, McKnight<br />

on Approval <strong>and</strong> 30 days Trial<br />

is<br />

j.i, .i..- -'Irs. J. S. Arthur, of the<br />

Second Church, this city, are back<br />

from an extended tour, in the course<br />

the Club iierforms.<br />

to be among the speakers at the Muskingum<br />

Summer Bible Conference at<br />

the end of July <strong>and</strong> the beginning of<br />

August, <strong>The</strong> program will compare<br />

favorably with that at Winona <strong>and</strong><br />

other better known Chautauquas, anS<br />


Rev, W, S, Fulton, of Robstown,<br />

of wUch they visited their daughter Texas, preached for us Sabbath mornat<br />

Honolulu,<br />

ing <strong>and</strong> evening, .May 17th, His seri<br />

il, „„„„.,„o-o „f '^°°- <strong>and</strong> visits brought back pleasant<br />

«**Married at the parsonage of memories , of the past \ to , .. those of us ^® ^^P*'^* ^ ^'^''^e attendance.<br />

Third<br />

Foster,<br />

New<br />

Ph.D,,<br />

York,<br />

on June<br />

by the<br />

23rd,<br />

Rev.<br />

1914,<br />

F. M who knew him at Hebron, Kansas.<br />

Mr.<br />

Mr, Wylie Scholes, of Clarinda, Iowa, MEETING OF THE CENTRAL<br />

John Edson Van Denburgh, of Albany,<br />

is helping Calvin 'L, Y'oung with his BOARD OF MISSIONS.<br />

N, y,, <strong>and</strong> Miss Tillie Schramm, of<br />

harvest. Mrs. Sam Caskey is visiting At the meeting of the Central Board<br />

New York City.<br />

her parents <strong>and</strong> other relatives in on Monday, June 15, the former ofii-<br />

***Third New York enjoyed a con-<br />

Kenmare, N. Dakota, Miss Nannie cers were re-elected, Mr, Carithers<br />

gregational picnic on Saturday, June Young is attending two months' term was present <strong>and</strong> spoke for the Indian<br />

20tti, at Verona Park, N. J. <strong>The</strong> day of school at Norman. Miss Rosa Mission, <strong>The</strong> present workers there<br />

was beautiful, <strong>and</strong> a delightful time Young is attending the county Normal were re-elected as far as they expectwas<br />

had by all. <strong>The</strong> committee had at Perry, We are having a big har- ed to return. Mr, iS<strong>and</strong>erson wrote<br />

scheduled a number of contests <strong>and</strong> vest of small grain. It ripened quickly concerning the Mission at Selma, <strong>The</strong><br />

games which added not a little merri- when it began to turn. So everyone is teachers there were re-elected except<br />

ment to the occasion, busy these hot dry days in the harvest in three vacancies for which places<br />

„ ^, , . ^ , ., field. While riding a horse in the Mr, S<strong>and</strong>erson was requested to rec-<br />

"*Susanna Guthrie, a sister of tbe j^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^. ommend teachers <strong>The</strong> foundation<br />

late Elder ODavid iBoyd, died June 10.30 a. m„ Vera McFarl<strong>and</strong> leaped ommena for the addition leacners, to the chapel of Knox<br />

22, in her 84th year. Within a short from the saddle as some of the team Academy is already up <strong>and</strong> the work<br />

time she was called on to suffer loss became frightened <strong>and</strong> started to run, jg gQjjjg ^^ under the supervision of<br />

by death of her husb<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> six children.<br />

She was a faithful member of <strong>and</strong> seizing the lines, stopped them, ,j,jjg foUowing is a summary of the<br />

Mr, McFarl<strong>and</strong> was oiling the machine prof. Bottoms.<br />

Bellefontaine, O., congregation, <strong>and</strong> but Vera was badly cut. Her right treasurer's report for May:<br />

much beloved,—J. M. Faris.<br />

thumb <strong>and</strong> left h<strong>and</strong> were cut off, <strong>and</strong> Home Missions: Receipts, $496.04;<br />

***Miss Anna Hawthorne of Third,<br />

there were other severe cuts about expenditures, $691,86: balance over-<br />

New Y'ork,"spent's"abbath7 June "sirin tHe body. Three doctors dressed her ^r^^n, $429.'37', .Southern Mission<br />

Montclair, N. J., <strong>and</strong> worshipped with ^°'^''^^ ^^'^ immediately took her to ^^^^^^^^^ $2,650,13; expenditures, $3,-<br />

our people there, Mr, Henry O'Neill ^""^^ Hospital. She rallied from the ggg^g. ^^^^^^^^ $1,697.10; Indian Mis<strong>and</strong><br />

Mr, R, J. Bole, of Second New operation, but passed away about 9 ^.^^_ Receipts, $834.09; expenditures,<br />

York, were present <strong>and</strong> participated »• - '^^® funeral was held at the jj_;^22,07; balance $1,378,19, <strong>The</strong> large<br />

in prayer meeting on Wednesday ev- ^^^^rch on Saturday at 4 p. m. <strong>The</strong> amounts in the receipts <strong>and</strong> expenditures<br />

of the Southern <strong>and</strong> Indian Mis­<br />

ening June iJ4 services were conducted by Rev. J, M,<br />

Rutherford, <strong>The</strong> interment was in sions are due to the settlement for<br />

***I am actually giving away copies Billings Cemetery, She was reconcil- the year of the local acSounts of both<br />

Of "<strong>The</strong> Covenanter Pastor," <strong>and</strong> of ed to the will of God, never complainthe<br />

2-vol, cloth bound edition of Ida ing, but bore her lot patiently to the<br />

Missions, Rev, Thomas Patton was<br />

Tarbell's "Life of Lincoln," boxed, <strong>and</strong> end.<br />

am prepaying all charges. Read page<br />

twelve. <strong>The</strong>se 2 vols, contain more<br />

that 9C0 pages, <strong>and</strong> a fine portrait of<br />

present <strong>and</strong> gave some account of the<br />

work in Winnipeg, A congregation is<br />

to be <strong>org</strong>anized there which will be<br />

under the care of the Pacific Coast<br />


Our Spring Communion was held prgg^jytgry<br />

Lincoln, <strong>The</strong>y are printed from the the Sabbath before Synod, with the _<br />

same plates used in producing the Rev. F. M, Wilson as assistant. Sab-<br />

Memorial Edition which sold for $15, j^ath evening Mr, Wilson preached the<br />


<strong>The</strong> present volumes contain every Muskingum Academy Baccalaureate New Method of Flesh Reduction<br />

CElin un UnilEV but wnte today for our ble<br />

OCnil nu mUllCI um catalog of''Ranker"<br />

Bicycles, Tires <strong>and</strong> Sundries at prices so low they will<br />

astonish you. Also particulars of our ereat new offer<br />

to deliver you a Ranger Bicycle on one month's free<br />

trial without a cent expense to you.<br />

RHYQ y" *^^" make money taking orders for bicyclea,<br />

DU I O tires, lamps, Bundriea, etc, from our big h<strong>and</strong>somecatalog.<br />

It's free. It contains "combination offers"<br />

for re-fitting your old bicycle like new at very low cost.<br />

Also much useful bicycle information. Send for it. ^<br />

LOW FAfiTORY PRICES direct to you. No one else can<br />

l.un THKluni rnn»KJ^^^^ ^^^^ values <strong>and</strong> such<br />

terms. You cannot afford to buy a bicycle, tires or sundries<br />

without Jlrst learning what we can offer you. Write now.<br />


•^ This Invention Holds<br />

5l'''' More Firmly, Comfortably<br />

<strong>and</strong> Surely Than Any Truss. "<br />

Sent on Trial<br />

<strong>The</strong> new Broolia Appliance lor rupture bo<br />

thorouglily meets eyery test <strong>and</strong> every requirement<br />

that It Is being ordered by the U. S. War<br />

Department <strong>and</strong> Is rapidly coming to be recognized<br />

as the most reliable, comfortable <strong>and</strong> dependable<br />

support ever Invented. <strong>The</strong> BrooKs<br />

Appliance 18 fitted with an Automatic Air<br />

Cushion which lollowa every movement of the<br />

body, always covers the ruptured spot <strong>and</strong> Is<br />

always where It should be to do the most good.<br />

<strong>The</strong> part of the cushion which comes In contact<br />

with the skin Is soft, pliable gum rubber. It<br />

clings closely, so that Irritation <strong>and</strong> slipping la<br />

Impossible, <strong>and</strong> yet It Is cool <strong>and</strong> comfortable because<br />

of the constant circulation of air through<br />

It. It Is simple of construction, so there 18<br />

nothing to get out of order—nothing that can<br />

We are selling this Appliance under a positive<br />

guarantee of money refunded if not satisfactory.<br />

We do not guarantee to cure any more thaa<br />

any doctor WiU guarantee to cure his patient.<br />

We do guarantee to furnish a perfect fitting<br />

Appliance, one that will give the<br />

word found in the $15 edition, <strong>and</strong> sell germon to an audience of at least sev- Proves Astonishingly Successful,<br />

for $5 net. Read page 12. <strong>and</strong> act g^ hundred. <strong>The</strong>re were no other ser- Johnstown, Pa,, Special,—Investigaimmediately.<br />

vices in town. <strong>The</strong> address was much tion has fully established that Hon, E<br />

wearer<br />

C<br />

solid comfort<br />

Z<br />

<strong>and</strong><br />

E<br />

retain<br />

M<br />

the protrusion<br />

at all times <strong>and</strong> under all circumstances.<br />

A<br />

. appreciated. At the Muskingum Com- H, T, Stetler, of this city, has re-Alsmencement he received the degree of duced his wei'ght fifty-seven pounds in Milk Crust, Water Poison, Weeping<br />

called Tetter, Salt Rheum, Pruritus,<br />

<strong>The</strong> purchaser Is the sole judge <strong>and</strong> If for<br />

any reason whatever (which does not have<br />


Doctor of Divinity. He was a mem- an incredibly short time by wearing<br />

Skin, etc.<br />

to be furnished us) it ts returned, the price<br />

ber of the class of '95, <strong>The</strong> Sabbath a simple invisible device, weighing I believe eczema can be cured to stay, i.<br />


paid will be refunded in lull.<br />

after Synod, tho Rev, A, A, Wylie, of less than an ounce. This, when worn mean just what I say C-U-R-E-D <strong>and</strong> NOT<br />

Further informntlon regarding tiie Appllnnee, rules<br />

When your kidneys are weak <strong>and</strong> gyracuse, who had stopped for a brief as directed, acts as an infallible flesh merely patched up to return again. Remember,<br />

for seir-meaeurementB end eatalog lent Free. JuBt<br />

torpid they do not properly perform ^.g.^.^^^ ^.'j^^ ^^^ ^^j^g^ g^^g ^g ^ good reducer, dispensing entirely with diet- I make this statement after h<strong>and</strong>ling nearly a<br />

•end your name <strong>and</strong> addrese to<br />

X u T r L f l i L ' d o i m t h message. Elder John Martin, wife ing. medicines <strong>and</strong> exercises. Many half million cases of eczema <strong>and</strong> devoting 12<br />

of anything. You are likely to be <strong>and</strong> daughter, of the Blanchard con- prominent men <strong>and</strong> women have<br />

yearsof<br />

BROOKS<br />

my life to<br />

APPLlANCEtb.-<br />

its treatment, I don't care<br />

despondent <strong>and</strong> to borrow trouble, gregation, have been visiting at Mr. adopted this easy means of reducing<br />

what<br />

'1945<br />

all you<br />

State<br />

have<br />

Street<br />

used nor<br />

Marshall,<br />

how many<br />

Michigan<br />

doctors<br />

just as if you hadn't enough al- Thomas Stewart's <strong>and</strong> elsewhere, Mrs, superfluous flesh, <strong>and</strong> it is stated the<br />

have told you that you could not be cured, all<br />

ready. Don't be a victim any longer. Martin is a native of this community, inventor, Prof. G, K, Burns, of No,<br />

I ask is just a chance to prove my claims. It<br />

<strong>The</strong> old reliable medicine, Hood's ^^.^g .^-^^^ Taylor has returned home 17 West Thirty-eighth street. New<br />

you write itie TODAY, I will send you a FREE<br />

barsaparilla gives strength <strong>and</strong> ^^^ teaching in Vermont, Miss York, is sending these outfits on free<br />

TRIAI, of mild, soothing, guaranteed treatment<br />

that will surely convince you as it has<br />

tKoli'sySet'Vet'it t'odly.""^ Ella Thompson, of the Geneva congre- trial to all who write him.<br />

me. If you are disgusted <strong>and</strong> discouraged, I<br />

dare you to give me a chance to prove my<br />

claims. By writing me today I believe you will<br />

enjoy more real comfort than you really<br />

thought <strong>and</strong> References: Send DR. J. I this feel E. this CANNADAY, notice sure Third world you to National will some held U07 agree eczema Court for Bank, you. with Block, sufferer. Sedalia^Mo.<br />

me, Just Sedalia, try it, i«o

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