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The Reformed Presbyterian Standard and also 0\ir ... - Rparchives.org

The Reformed Presbyterian Standard and also 0\ir ... - Rparchives.org


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November 25, 1914.<br />


given her, but it was a pretty dress nevertheless,<br />

<strong>and</strong> though it was wet about the hem <strong>and</strong><br />

mussed from the damp coat, Schmidt was very<br />

happy in it <strong>and</strong> her eyes shone through her<br />

draggled frizzezs.<br />

Ten minutes later she <strong>and</strong> I were seated before<br />

a rousing open flre with a small table between<br />

us. It was a sort of a postscript affair,<br />

that belated feast, but if a truly thankful heart<br />

combined with the atmosphere of home makes<br />

Thanksgiving Day, then Schmidt surely had<br />

one.<br />

<strong>The</strong> fourth Thanksgiving Day at the depot<br />

restaurant a sweet-faced Swede waitress said:<br />

"You eat your Thanksgiving alone"<br />

I told her of my plight <strong>and</strong> disappointment,<br />

<strong>and</strong> both she <strong>and</strong> the Hungarian cashier did<br />

their best to make my dinner suitable to the<br />

occasion, <strong>and</strong> while they served me told with<br />

sparkling eyes of their plans for a real Thanksgiving<br />

meal at home that night.<br />

Now this fifthlonely Thanksgiving was enlivened<br />

by thoughts of 'Peggy—Peggy, who<br />

loved the old New Engl<strong>and</strong> things <strong>and</strong> longed<br />

in her loyal soul to cook one real Thanksgiving<br />

dinner; Peggy, who was full born Bulgarian<br />

<strong>and</strong> would have been named Elinka had<br />

she not been adopted by a Yankee gr<strong>and</strong>ma.<br />

So Parthians, Modes, Elamites; the dwellers<br />

in Mesopotamia, Judea, Cappadocia; in Pontus,<br />

Asia, Phrygia <strong>and</strong> Pamphylia; in Egypt;<br />

strangers from Eome; Jews, Cretes <strong>and</strong> Arabians;<br />

we do hear them speak in our tongue,<br />

yea <strong>and</strong> echo our ovm thoughts as they climb<br />

the ladder of our ideals.<br />

Te Deum Laudamus, 1914.<br />

Again Thanksgiving approaches. Last year<br />

the fates were kind. No accident or sorrow<br />

marred my celebration.<br />

But what about the day that now draws near <br />

Can we sing "Te Deum Laudamus" with<br />

those awful cannon booming in our ears Can<br />

we rejoice in the atmosphere of home when so<br />

many millions of our fellow men lie homeless<br />

on the sod <br />

<strong>The</strong> letters that come to me <strong>and</strong> the words<br />

friends speak to me all bear the same refrain—•<br />

depression.<br />

We who dwell in comfort <strong>and</strong> peace bear upon<br />

our liearts the burden of the world. It is the<br />

best of our civilization which is being swept<br />

away. Was not the burden great enough before<br />

We of the civilized races seemed so few.<br />

Our heart fainted at the task before us as we<br />

buckled on the antiseptic shield, pinned a flag<br />

to our lapel, took a school book under our arm<br />

<strong>and</strong> sallied forth with a prayer for strength <strong>and</strong><br />

wisdom. We felt ourselves outweighed before.<br />

Xow with the prospect of a million less on our<br />

side of the scales, no wonder we are depressed<br />

—<strong>and</strong> with reasons.<br />

But just supposing that we should lend a<br />

h<strong>and</strong> to help, you <strong>and</strong> I, ten or twelve million<br />

of us; each of us help one. <strong>The</strong> coming generation<br />

lies at our door. Eeach out a h<strong>and</strong><br />

<strong>and</strong> heart to some little lad or lassie, give that<br />

personal touch that shall speak a wider vision<br />

to their soul. A few short seasons, <strong>and</strong> you <strong>and</strong><br />

I have passed. <strong>The</strong> old world <strong>and</strong> its problems<br />

will be left behind. 'Tis not those in the<br />

front of the battle who feel their hearts depressed.<br />

Let us be up <strong>and</strong> doing, so may we<br />

bravely sing "Te Deum Laudamus."—N. Y.<br />

Christian Advocate.<br />


By the Rev. J. M. Coleman.<br />

<strong>The</strong> theory of evolution as applied to physical<br />

<strong>and</strong> spiritual life is either one of the greatest discoveries<br />

or the greatest superstitions of the nineteenth<br />

century. This theory dominates the<br />

teaching in many departments of our Universities,<br />

Colleges <strong>and</strong> High Schools, determines the<br />

acceptance or refusal of text-books by the publishing<br />

houses, sits in the seats of the scornful<br />

in many <strong>The</strong>ological Seminaries <strong>and</strong> echoes in<br />

many pulpits. "What is this theory which is seriously<br />

proposed as the regulator of our lives<br />

past, present <strong>and</strong> future<br />

A half century ago Darwin startled the world<br />

by the suggestion—for Darwin never had the<br />

dead sureness of his less scientific followers. Darwin<br />

suggested that variations of plant <strong>and</strong> animal<br />

life developed, through natural selection, into<br />

new species, thus furnishing an explanation of<br />

the origin of species through transmutation. Now<br />

had the prophets of this new cult not tried to<br />

extend the domain of evolution beyond the Darwinian<br />

limits, it would not have become the vital<br />

issue for our religious life <strong>and</strong> thought that it<br />

s today. But Spencer, with his scheme of a<br />

world philosophy founded on the principle of<br />

evolution, followed Darwin <strong>and</strong> in more recent<br />

times, the devotees of this new god have invaded<br />

religion <strong>and</strong> theology until there is nothing<br />

left of the life here below <strong>and</strong> no hope of the<br />

life beyond which is not cut to fltinto an alleged<br />

evolutionary process. <strong>The</strong> thoroughgoing application<br />

of the theory entirely eliminates the supernatural<br />

from history <strong>and</strong> prophecy.<br />

Professor Le Conte gives us the briefest <strong>and</strong><br />

raost concise definition of evolution. It reads,<br />

"All things come by continuous progressive<br />

changes, according to certain laws by means of<br />

resident forces." So far as this discussion is<br />

concerned, the man who accepts this definition Is<br />

an evolutionist <strong>and</strong>tjtie one who changes it is<br />

something else. <strong>The</strong> last clause is the important<br />

one for the orthodox Christian, since, if each<br />

change in nature <strong>and</strong> in man is brought about<br />

by a resident force, God must be either unknown,<br />

absent, or non-existent.<br />

Now it may seem clear that if man, body <strong>and</strong><br />

soul, evolved by resident forces from some kind<br />

of animal, this from a plant, <strong>and</strong> this again from<br />

mud, then it must appear that the resident force<br />

in mud is sufficient to produce a Lincoln, or a<br />

^Shakespeare, or a Jesus Christ. <strong>The</strong> definition<br />

leaves no alternative.<br />

It may <strong>also</strong> be clear that if man was not made<br />

in the image of God <strong>and</strong>, therefore, never lo=t<br />

that image through sin, that sin is not the<br />

heinous thing which the Bible says it is. It is<br />

rather a good which was pulled too soon. This<br />

Is what we may call the green apple theory of<br />

sin All that God needs in his relation to the<br />

sinner is to have patience till the sinner evolves<br />

out of his sin. Evolution has no place for regeneration<br />

such as Jesus talked about to Nicodemus.<br />

Nicodemus was told, "Ye must be born from<br />

above." Evolution gets nothing from above. Everything<br />

comes from below. Man is born, not<br />

from God, but from the clod.<br />

Conversion, according to evolution, is a normal<br />

incident in certain adolescent years. <strong>The</strong>refore<br />

every normal child who passes his teens is converted.<br />

If he is not, there is either something<br />

wrong with him, or with the theory. Evolution<br />

denies the divinity of Jesus Christ. Since all<br />

things are produced by the resident forces "''n<br />

the stage preceding, then Jesus, as the son ot<br />

Mary <strong>and</strong> Joseph, had no higher claim to divinity<br />

than his brothers.<br />

Evolution leaves no place for a Savior who<br />

ijomes into the world of sin from the outside<br />

<strong>and</strong> makes himself a substitute for the sinner,<br />

bearing away the guilt of his sin. Por this reason<br />

the evolutionist must 'deny the truthfulness<br />

of the Bible which, throughout, is based on the<br />

idea of salvation through the atonement of Jesus<br />

Christ. Evolution leaves no place for the resurrection<br />

of Jesus or any other, since the forces residing<br />

in a dead body can never restore life,<br />

which they were not able to conserve when it<br />

was there. It leaves no place for immortality,<br />

at least in the sense of a hereafter for the<br />

individual soul, so that the evolutionist, having<br />

taken away God <strong>and</strong> connected man with mud as<br />

his earliest ancestor, leaves him only this conclusion,<br />

"Let us eat <strong>and</strong> drink, for tomorrow we<br />

die."<br />

Now some evolutionist will insist that I am<br />

not describing his br<strong>and</strong> of evolution, since a<br />

good many in pulpit <strong>and</strong> pew are still trying the<br />

impossible task of squaring their views with a<br />

modified Christianity. Remember, I am not explaining<br />

evolutionists, but evolution, i would<br />

not undertake the former task. I am entirely at<br />

a loss too underst<strong>and</strong> why sensible men should<br />

stake their issues for this life <strong>and</strong> the next on<br />

the validity of a theory which is thoroughly un<br />

scriptural <strong>and</strong>, I expect to show, is <strong>also</strong> ''.idscientific.<br />

Not satisfied with ordering our lives, the evolutionists<br />

are proposing to rearrange our Bible<br />

to fit their views. <strong>The</strong> books of Moses are<br />

taken from the period where they fitinto history<br />

<strong>and</strong> placed flve hundred years later, because the<br />

ideas in these books are too far advanced to be<br />

accounted for by evolutionary processes. <strong>The</strong><br />

Bible accounts for the great truths by claiming<br />

a revelation from God to Moses, but these alleged<br />

scholars have no room for God in their plans. According<br />

to the critics the Levites, who had for<br />

a chief purpose the caring for the tabernacle, are<br />

said not to have existed for fivehundred years<br />

after the tabernacle ceased to be <strong>and</strong> the Israelites<br />

were comm<strong>and</strong>ed to exterminate peoples<br />

who were extinct centures before. And these<br />

things, contradictory to the Bible, we are called<br />

upon to accept in the name of scholarship. Heav.<br />

en help this kind of scholarship, or whatever the<br />

evolutionists have for heaven, for it does not<br />

seem that resident forces would do much for<br />

them.<br />

Now, since evolution bids us give up our belief<br />

in regeneration through the Spirit of God, in the<br />

f<strong>org</strong>iveness of sin, in the atonement by Jesus<br />

Christ, in the resurrection of the dead <strong>and</strong> in<br />

the immortality of the individual soul, it is<br />

certainly unscriptural <strong>and</strong> may be worth our<br />

while to investigate its claims to be scientific.<br />

If these claims hold, we may calmly fold our<br />

arms <strong>and</strong> watch the forces resident in the saloon<br />

evolve a Y. M. C. A., <strong>and</strong> Senator Penrose develop<br />

into a saint. If it does not hold, we shall<br />

put it away on the junk heap with the other<br />

superstitions which "have had their brief reign<br />

<strong>and</strong> passed away.

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